Why is F4J(UK) at 12.0

The premium f4 for great britian is arguably the worst plane at its br, at 12.0, it will face f4s (A huge lot of them) which has a better missle (7F is much more stable than the skyflaskh), arguably better manuverability and Helmet sight, also, the FG1 and FGR2, which has a better engine (more thrust) is put on a lower br than the 4j. In addition to this, the UK often has to face f14B and almost always f14a, both has a much better airframe, weaponery, avaonics and more countermeasures.

Therefore, a br decrease from 12.0 to 11.7 is very much reasonable.

It seems that Gaijin just doesnt like british weapons…


It can’t go down in br cause it’ll face 10.7 with its pd radar and superior speed, not to mention the skyflashes are pretty decent close range sarh missiles.

I’d rather let this 1 plane suffer than break an entire br bracket

How about decompressing the br even more, this would be more work but will solve a lot of problems


Plus the phantom FG1 and FGR exists, and that entire br braclet is not broken

It’s entirely reasonable that all F-4Js were at 11.3 before the BR Changed and at 12.0 afterwards. One of the main criticisms of the British Phantom is its Skyflash missile, which is a short-range dogfighting missile with performance somewhere between AIM-7E2 and AIM-7F. Its power is too weak to engage targets at longer ranges like the AIM-7F, but I believe that once you master its use in head-on attacks, the British Phantom will easily outperform the American Phantom S.

As for your frequent encounters with the F-14A, it’s unavoidable at top-tier air battles nowadays that both sides are full with F-14. The F-14A, not the British Phantom, is the one that needs a BR adjustment.

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This 1 plane is the main grind plane. If it was some other jet that isnt as important sure but this thing got me to where i am now and it deserves better‼️‼️‼️‼️

I was wondering the same thing, F-4J (UK) is same as the one in the tree F-4FGR / FG yet they are 11.3 in simulator but this plane is 12.0 yet they are all at 12.0 in RB . This makes it hard to farm facing stronger oponents with Skyflash witch are performing really bad. Needs to get 11.3 also or at least 11.7. I really wonder what makes him so special…

Problem is that his radar couldnt even saw an enemy who was going against me, I couldnt get a lock.

no, no it is not, the FGR. 2 and FG. 1 have Rolls Royce Spey engines which are much more powerful than the J79

the FGR2/FG1 also have 30 more CMs and a better RWR

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I forgot about that detail actually, I barely play either Phantom now that they’re 12.0 in RB, and I don’t like sim for jets.

Its not an aircraft I touch much these days either. Though I was farming botters in Sim today in the FG1. Super fast way to grind the event. But I’d be hesitant to play them in ARB even if they were still 11.3, not too mention 12.0

I mean I just find the spading grind for the FGR.2 painful, last time I checked I had to research 2 bombs and the SNEBs before I can even research 2 EXTRA AIM-9D which are god awful at 12.0, though I recently did get the extra 9D, it’s still painful to have to research the AIM-9G before getting even a 7E

Yeah… I’m glad that I don’t have to do it these days and did it like 2 years ago when they were actually good aircraft

Another reason I’m not grinding the FGR.2 out fully is so that when the Typhoon comes (I suspect it will be after the FGR) I can get the modification buffs. Otherwise I have no reason to play this plane, the Tornado F.3, despite me being nearly 100% stock is so much better, and the Gripen even more so, with that one being so easy to spade before AMRAAMs and is still capable.

Yeah, hanging on to those spade bonuses is probably worth it. Should probably spend the next few months getting a few other aircraft into a near spaded state to dump into the EFT

Yeah well we both know it probably won’t come till 2 - 3 updates after it should

Yeah… but still holding out hope for December. If the latest leaks are any indicator, Britain is getting nothing interesting in the next major

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JA37C would like to have a word with you

I understand everything you said, unfortunately… none of it matters. Here’s why.

For starters, we already have a plane with damn near the same loadout and a PD radar down at 11.3 in the form of the JA37C Viggen (which btw is superior to the F-4J UK in every single regard except missile quantity)
Secondly we have planes with better weapons, on better platforms down at 11.7 (The Mig 23s all surpass the F-4J UK in EVERY regard except their radar)
But most importantly, everything you just said about the J UK… applies to the F-4S and F-4J… except they just do it way better? Skyflashes are a moderate (borderline unnoticeable) improvement over 7E2s, but they’re FAR worse than 7Fs, 7Fs holding an advantage in 99% of situations and in the 1% where the Skyflash is better, the 7F has a good chance of just trading.

Furthermore you’re a hard wing Phantom, meaning you have the worst turn performance of the Phantoms out the gate, however the FG and FGR at least have much more powerful engines to help in other ways… while the F-4J UK doesn’t. Not to mention it doesn’t even get the 30 extra countermeasures those get. Meaning the F-4J UK has literally no advantage over any of the 4 F-4 Phantoms that inhabit 12.0 it is objectively inferior in every regard that they’re not equal in.

The F-4E down at 11.3 gets a better flight model, essentially the same radar missiles, arguably better but for the sake of argument roughly on par IR missiles (given 9Js are a sidegrade to 9G/Hs), more CMs, an internal gun, and all it loses out on is its radar which isn’t that big of a deal because your radar only matters in a head on since unlike the 4J and 4S you don’t get a non HDN PD mode.

As it currently stands there is no reason what so ever for this vehicle to inhabit 12.0, it should go down to 11.7, and while on the topic the British phantoms should get their 9Ls given that at 12.0 they all have to deal with the JA37D which literally gets a better radar, IR missiles, the same SARHs, and 6x the countermeasure count…