Why Is F16a and Mig29 Not 12.3

Does gaijin in their infinite wisdom not realize that 11.0s like the mig21bis family, j8b, f4e, mig23m etc all regularly have to face f16s which is a gross disadvantage in avionics and flight performance. There is no reason for this farce, theres plenty of much better suited 11.3s like the mig23ml etc that have a much better chance against a mig29 or f16… Hopefully next patch will fix the extreme br compression for 11.0s


Skill issue

Its called a uptier of course they planes will be better


the difference in flight performance between a mig21bis and f16a is staggering, not a skill issue at all. 11.0 br compression is particularly bad


First off, they fire R-60Ms and AIM-9Ls respectively.
Second, there are at most 4 of them on each team.
Third, this is a team based game. So me in my Mig-21Bis will do fine against F-16A when I’m sticking with my team as I should.

There is no reason for Mig-29 and F-16A to be 12.3.

War Thunder isn’t 1v1s.
And this isn’t BR compression in this case.


Yes. It is 1v31


lol You shouldn’t speak on subjects you know nothing about.

Mig-21Bis is not compressed currently, and I played it as recent as late last year before I got back into ground.
I haven’t played the Mig-23MLD since prior to 2023.

You can keep claiming you’re the only correct one all you want, won’t be true.

what do you mean? i looked your profile up in the game, you dont have the soviet Mig-21bis in your profiles statistics, in non of the gamemodes.
or did you mean the Mig-21bis-SAU?
because you got that one but lo and behold, in 20 battles you died 17 times in it and got 11 kills, that doesnt look exactly like you didnt struggle with it either now does it?
or do you mean the finnish/swedish Mig-21bis you got, with which you had 13 battles, 8 deaths and 7 kills?
compared to how well you do in other, similar aircraft, these two are outliers and suggest you too struggle with them.

you clearly are exceptionally good at piloting, but even you struggle with many of the 11.0/11.3 jets, so your initial claim, the one that started is the core of this discussion, that 11.0/11.3 isnt facing the issue of BR compression isnt really backed up by your own experience it seems.

the whole of 11.0 and 11.3 is compressed horribly right now and has been ever since 4th gen jets where added really, because they outclass 3rd gen jets in several performance aspects that are important in war thunders small and concentrated battles.
acceleration, AOA performance, energy retention, climb rate, maneuverbility at speed as well as at high and low altitude and of course, weaponry, radar and radar-interface.

I never said I played the Soviet Mig-21Bis, in-fact I don’t even have it purchased.
I’ve played the Swedish one in 2023 exclusively, and the Bis SAU in 2022 exclusively.

There are 2000+ vehicles in War Thunder all buying for my attention.
“This dude struggles with AIM-9Bs at 11.0.”
Everyone does, you’re not special.
By all means go and attempt getting 1:1 KDR with only 9Bs.

All you’ve done is prove no compression while implying F-16 is 11.0.

so why are you arguing that you “in your Mig-21bis will do fine against F-16A” when you havent flown any of the Mig-21bis in at least a year?

that was just my hinch on countering your argument that 11.0/11.3 isnt facing an immense problem with the current BR compression issue…an issue you negate is even there.

11.3 3rd gen jets shouldnt face 4th gen jets, simple as.
let alone ARH missiles.
no jet at 11.0/11.3 even comes with exclusively 9B’s(or equivalent of that) anymore, because even gaijin realized that those are vastly insufficient for the BR.
this just further indicates that you havent even really played 11.0/11.3 in a long time yet you still argue that the matchmaking at that BR range is fine, which is your initial claim i called “ridiculous”.

We need decompression, if you move F-16 and MiG-29 to 12.3 then what 12.0 jets are left?

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Oh my gosh you’re so right! Why did the entire community seek to decompress the game and make it more fun and balanced for everyone? We should all just realize that if you’re bottom tier you’re simply meant to die and give the 12.0 premium his RP!

These broken record bots need to be yellow-taped off from the forum. “Skill issue!!! REEE!!!”


It isn’t because I said so!

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Sir, what is the amount of months from November to June? Cause it’s not over 12 as you claim.

11.0 doesn’t face a team of 12.0s.
11.0 can, alongside 4 friendly 12.0s, see up to 4 enemy 12.0s.
War Thunder is a team based game, YOU are not facing 12.0s. Your team is facing a team of almost to exact equal numbers.

Mig-21Bis came with 9Bs, they’re called R3R and R3S instead.
It was only recently they were given stock R-60Ms.

I played 11.X yesterday. 11.0 is not 12.0, they can’t see limitless 12.0s, they are not compressed.
Especially not the 11.3s with AIM-7F, R-24R, Skyflash, etc.

Just cause 9.3 is compressed doesn’t mean everything is.
Fun fact: F-16A and Mig-19S, when below mach 0.95, dogfight pretty identically.
Yes, F-16A is a strong aircraft for a team, for which your team likely has one as well.
Well positioned actions of current range vehicles working together easily deal with them.

Similarly how a Mig-19 and Mig-21MF combo can easily deal with an F-5C and F3 Demon, and vise-versa.

alvis is a gaslighter who only posts here to make ridiculous statements and derail threads.

Alvis really likes saying he “does great” in a jet that he is almost negative K/D in. Does it a lot.

If the game actually gives you 4 12.0s and doesn’t simply put you in a game with 12 or 16 11.0-11.3s against 4 12.0s and 12 11.7s, sure! It’s very capable of doing what I just said.

11.0 is compressed heavily rn fighting gen4 jets that completely surpass them in every possible way by large margins. You are a joker.

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We need decompression.


I see @Italy_Suffers’s post is attempting to derail this topic with provocative claims that the WT community are all gaslighters and implying he’s the only intelligent person.

While claiming that people firing AIM-9Bs at 11.0 getting near 1:1 KDRs are all bad.
Apparently you’re not a good player unless you have a 2:1 KDR guns only at 11.0.

Also there are not 12 11.7s, not a thing.

F-16A and Mig-19 are equivalent dogfighters below mach 0.95.
The difference is F-16A can go faster, has flares, and has AIM-9Ls that make it 12.0 instead of 9.3.

I have my own MiG-21bis-SAU in German TT but, it is really questionable that they can win against F-16A/ADF in duel situation.

“B-b-but ARB is not full of duel!!” Is the most braindead and down to earth stupid thing. That’s because ignoreing 1vs1 situation is pointless for comparison of vehicles eath other.

Only ways for MiG-21s win against F-16A is being rat and pray that falcon players are dumb fuck.


Alright, I found my sim [3+ hours of gameplay] Mig-21Bis.
It was the Bis SAU, so I did play that one in 2023 as well. I thought I didn’t, and I thought the Finnish Mig-21Bis was the one I used for sim.
Here are those results using R-3s.
No death, 10 frags.

Despite me being trash in and prior to 2022, I have a KDR of 0.7:1 in air RB for Mig-21Bis SAU using R-3s and gun. I was also worse at being a fighter player then, as shown by the fact I absolutely destroyed air sim with it in 2023 for two matches before I went back to ground RB.
And for the Swedish Mig-21: 7 frags, 8 deaths.

With teams that left me with a <40% win rate in both.
So yeah, the only thing that I struggled with was teammates leaving me to die to 3+ enemies.

How is relevant your SBEC stats that has complently different gameplay and meta to the Jet RB match???

BTW current MiG-21bis is not good in sim anymore because we don’t have 11.0BR cap.

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They brought up stats as some sort of way to dismiss my wisdom I guess; wisdom that largely isn’t from me but from thousands of other players I’ve learned from across 15 years of multiplayer games.

Here’s what makes a good air RB player irrelevant of what afterburning jet you’re in, emphasis on afterburning:

1- You stick near 2+ other fighters, they could be fighters doing a bombing run, as when they’re done they’ll be fighters. AKA be part of a wolf pack.
2- You stick to speeds of 0.9 - 1.05 mach during engagements, and only drop for ALONE enemy combatants.
Retain speed at all costs.

With those 2 pieces of wisdom, you will do far better for your team

Advanced tactics: Witness trajectory of enemies, and turn INTO their turn opposite 180 degrees.
AKA force a head-on.
Do this in a direction to where you’ll be speeding toward allies if you’re alone, and under threat.

An F-16A, no matter how maneuverable, cannot catch a Mig-21Bis that does this for over 10km.

All of this: Use air doctrine when able. This is a team game, so we must act like it.

I didn’t use my Mig-21Bis in its cap, I fought against Mirage F1s, F-4J/S, and Mirage 2000s using it… as a virtual joystick user.