Why is every game mod Arcade Battles

I used to enjoy SB when phantoms and 21 first came out, everyone was flying them, therefore, the MM was straightforward, migs vs phantoms. There was immersion, and there was the vague feeling of accuracy. You could tell an enemy aircraft from 5km away.
Nowdays its everyone vs everyone even in the games that have seperated nations, red teams are full of Japanese f4s, Thai f5s, Chinese f5s, German f104s, German f4s… while blue teams are filled with all the same aircraft.
Immersion problems and overall bad MM aside the problem is if you’re playing an aircraft that doesn’t turn well, you can’t shoot blind (since ground clutter is a major thing in this br) since tk penalties are really punishing, and you cant get close to lets say an f5 because it will outturn you whatever you do, and you cant tell blue f5s from red f5s from 5km away.
This is the problem with SB, this is why people ignore pvp and go bombing, and this is why the game isnt what it could be, and why all battles devolve to literal arcade games in first person where you spawn, and go full afterburner to the furball.
One of the solutions could be to tie usable aircraft to maps and sides, something like whats done with ground SB. Example:
Vietnam: us f4s, a4s, f100, f5s… vs soviet and chineese 21s, 19s…
Sinai: israeli f4s, a4s…
Soviet migs…
And so on
This is applicable to every tier, or at least create pages of history events as air sb ec:
Event: desert storm: you have the map, you have the aircraft, just put it together?
Tuned out to be a bit of a rant, but surely there are people who think this way too.


To do that, you would need to allow nations to be split onto different sides of the same battle, with East/West Germany being the primary example for that. I also think that would work best as an option, instead of it being mandatory.

Just add a selection on wich side you want to play for nations like germany when entering the event EC.

If you select Nato, then you can only use Nato planes, ect.

But that requires effort and manpower. And we all know how much of these Sim gets…