Better armoured both turret and frontally than a Mrk III.
Front torso:
It’s LEFT, 180mm where the 3" is located. It’s RIGHT~90mm for the driver side.
51mm mantlet encased by 101mm. Three slits for the machingun, Main barrel, and gunner optics leaves access to the 51mm Unprotected by the 101mm
Frontal Turret encasing ~101mm
Mantlet ~51mm
Your turret sucks? The Yellow Slit are to blame.
The Simple Fix,
A 40mm isint going to hurt them nearly as much as a german 50mm or 75mm that can break your nose and/or take your pride when this MRK I opens a staring contest with them.
Staring is a trip back to spawn.
Looking away is mentally hard to do. Instead keep to the rule of thumb,
- Angle the turret to remove access to the yellow Slit.
Left Torso ~90mm
Left Torso; Cumulative armour value of ~180mm as its own 90mm overlaps with the left torso.
Where armour meets, ridiculous impact angles and higher armour value BS begins. Don’t ask me why. i’ve never looked it up. If someone can answer this AND post a link to the tecnicals why these issues exist in the game be my guest.
MRK I has a lot of different components adding more armour pieces. :- providing significant areas of gajin buff. Look around for them.
Take a look at the yellow Mantlet, and where the side of the turret concave begins. Thier is less turret there. I emphasized 3x because appearntly, this is a hard concept to grasp.
The MRK I effectivly is carriyng a big shield covering its torso to its head on the left side of its body.
- PUSH INTO enemy tanks lines from the churchill’s Left
Another reason to apprach from the left incase, your a buffon and need an extra reason
For all the armour you have. This is a hollow 64~mm of death.
Presenting someone the option to slam a shell here. Thats on you.
Not a spot to use as bait, This tank is not fast enough to cover that in time.
180mm torso, 140mm to 240mm of effective turret armour. Experiment with it. It will take practice to zone in on how to take a PZ.IV shot without losing your turret crew. But its once you have it down, you have a reactive option to absorb 75mm and 76mm rounds.
Cannon breach seperates crew members from Spalling post pen dmg. Shells with low fuze sensatibity if ingited early by a wall, or a fence, can pen but do little to no dmg from exploding too early, Instead of travelling past the cannon breach, setting off the HE filler with more access to diffrent crew members.
British 40mm American 37mm, ignored Them. Angling is at most your saving yourself from minor crew health dmg if it does go through.
British 57mm can largely be ignored as well, and shots that do go through do minor crew dmg. Commander side is sitting somrwhere around 95mm to 100ish effective armour in the portion without the 51mm Coverage inside. Its trash. Commander Side=TRASH SIDE
benefit, commander is the least important crew member :-
Angle to get the cannon breach in shell trajectory to keep the commander alive. Cannon breach wont take dmg even if it gets hit. Its absorbing the spalling.
German 50mm. will fire at the yellow slit. one on Commander side and another on gunner/loader side.
So protect that slit, and this wont be a problem. If you have angled corretly. The only shots they have that can do dmg is the Turret ring shot. Sorry buds. This is the main weakness that cannot be compensated for by driving, or angling. Much like T34 cheecks and neck rings, you cannot do anything about this weak spot and trying do so, by posting on hills to make the neck ring untouchable or angled exposes other more signifant, easier to hit weakspots.
German 75mm This requires reactive angling to consistently bounce shots or recieve with minimal internal dmg. Once they fire, turn the tank and the turret to place the shell trajectory near the internal front portion of the barrel so it explodes away from the crew members, and close enough for the barrel+cannon breach to absorb the HE filler and spalling. The closer it is to the back of the turret the more likely your turret crew will experience a terrible day.
Do not angle perfectly when engaging them, Bait thier shots, and complete the angling with the extra tank manipulation to ensure that post pen the shell wont be travelling to the crew, but instead towards the cannons.
american 105 , HE at turret = death
HEAT rounds will go through but only kill ONE crew member.
If you got this far, congrats.
- stop dying because your staring back at someones dignity.
Take peek once thier shot is blown.
This is a vanguard tank; Aggro the team with it. If your taking a position that someone else can use for cover, thats a diservice to team and this tank. Get out there, get hit. or Make a mess on enemy side of the map if you have the situational awareness for it. If you are dieing to a few shots. Refer to step 1 and 2.
If you are still dying a lot. Your angling, driving routes, or situational awareness needs significant improvement.
As for its 40mm cannon. Britain takes practice. It doesnt have the HE filler that allows other countries to be much less selective about where it can hit for effective post pen dmg. 40mm are selective about what crew members are going to die, or what components will go down. same holds true for the 57mm but its much less selective since thier more options on viable shots from the extra penetration.
It Does not have an issue penning anything it sees at its BR. if it does, hopefully you have an eurkia moment that helps with this. 40mm Issue is on uptier is not being able to elimate a vehicle by itself in a reasonable amount of time when ammo rack shot are not avalible. :=
40mm have the benefit of ammo racking in 1 shot unlike american 37mm that needs something like 3 shots…
Kvs are a struggle but should favor the mrkI in a 1v1 sitaution. Unforatunly its a 16v16. Hopefully you get help before they do. The Faster tanks are more a threat than that junk.
T34 are a major issue. Not because fast or that it has a reasonble gun to hurt the MRK I. But that you cant effectivly remove them unlike the PZII III, and sherman A1.
:/ you can kill the gunner and/or loader. Decent execution disable the cannon breach in 1 shot or 2. along with its turret crew. Issue, It cant kill the drivers from the front :/ lack of pen.
In a way its a ANTI T34 tank because it is EASY to disable the cannon breach and drop the turret crew. allowing teamates to pick up the kill while the MRK continues to spread the love.
smoke usage
another example
Can be replicated in RB if you have someone on the team that is actively scouting. Crusader II are small enough to use the Chruchill as cover and provide additonal smoke to cover the advance in the direction that the chuchill is not covering. Fast enough to pull ahead to set up location with smoke and scout around, maybe flank once it becomes chaotic.