Why is APHE first on the list to be changed when HESH/APDS still is jank?

OK mate whatever your reckon, the point was the HESH round on the 4005 wasn’t abandoned because of the 105. It proved in testing it was very capable as was the L9 but was dropped because 20pdr and 129mm guns were coming Into service, all before the 105 was a thing.


Its an objective truth lol

Except it doesn’t match with the dates. To be the truth claimed. A can’t lead to b if be comes first.

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Didn’t they develop a 20 pdr APDS with a tilting cap at some point in the late '50s?
It should’ve been capable of defeating 200mm of armor at up to 45° angle.
Yeah, I found it:https://www.quora.com/Could-the-British-QF-20-pounder-tank-gun-defeat-the-armour-of-Soviet-IS-3-and-T-54-tanks-at-practical-battle-ranges

I trust that over half of the players are reasonable, as you can see the vote, simply nerf APHE is unacceptable, it can only make the game goes to worse. The main problem is still partly the pursuit of historical, someone said APHE can’t be so strong, while they ignore that when the shell pen the armor, most of the time the crewmembers will abandon the tanks, if Gaijin can add this mechanism, change APHE is Ok

It’s was actually getting a buff :shrug:
As per the dev blog they’re going to model the penetrator cap post fuzing, essentially making APHE act as solid shot as well. So APHE is getting a flat out buff anyway, even without a test to see how the minor nerf to fragmentation towards the sides of the projectile plays out in game.

from the second case which shot the commander’s cupola, the shell can only kill the commander, which is a huge nerf for APHE, sassily for US and USSR tanks, when they need to deal with tiger when it appears with a turret only.

And the display is disorienting because it doesn’t include shooting at flanks and turrets, and a large number of shells may not directly cause widespread damage

You can just J out and give the kill to the player who disabled you.
If you’re in a casemate, well too bad, that’s like one of the downsides of having no turret.

Why should an engine shot not cause a tank to be immobilized forever?

If a shell somehow disables your engine then either:

  • Becauce you got shot in the back
  • Because you got shot in the side
  • Because a round went all the way through the front and still was able to destroy your engine

In either case, you got shot from exposing your weakest part of the armor or just got shot by an incredible powerful gun. In no case should the tank be operational after that.

At best a front mounted engine will protect your crew, which should result in some benefit to the player.
Saving your crew should be your first priority, like in RL.

my guy you are describing the opposite of fun jesus christ

Or because a plane shot you.

Or because your transmission got shot, not your engine.

Or because you have a front-mounted engine.

Or because you are a cheese wedge.

Irl, no- it would not be operational. However, what you fail to understand is that this is a game, that it has to be fun, and that b a l a n c e comes first. Getting shot once by a poorly aimed shot that knocks out your transmission and nothing else, or knocks out your engine, should not mean you have to sit there and wait to die. This is not fun, and will never be fun.

We arent playing a hardcore milsim, we arent playing a horror game where we see our crew get splattered to a bloody mess by an incoming shell, we are playing an arcady tank game where we use our mouse and keyboard to control our tank. Parts/FPE/all that stuff are for the sake of making the game actually playable and fun- do you want to have to experience what lack of parts/FPE was back in the day, except its for everything?


There’s a reason they never tried something like the FV4005 again. But yeah, HESH still needs buff.

All something that can be reworked. A few .50cal AP rounds don’t have the same effect as a 7.6kg 17pdr AP round.

The cheese wedge relies on it’s armor. Once the armor gets penetrated it’s most likely going to be disabled.

It’s only a “poorly aimed” shot because the game allows you to repair internal components, which shouldn’t be possible.

Infact calling shots poorly aimed that would have knocked out a tank in RL, is a stretch.

There was a time when transmission coughts fires, and aiming for them was a viable tactic to disable a tank.
A lot of people didn’t like it, including me. But that’s just how it is.

Players just need to adopt and BR get adjusted.

Parts and FPE only ever were a problem because of the P2W nature of the game.
You made your tank more suvivable having parts and FPE, thus if you didn’t want to have a disadvantage, you had to pay for them and it’s still the same today.

There’s nothing bad in everyone having the same survivability from the start.

I think the game should give you half of the SP cost back if you J out of the tank before it explodes.

Proportionally scaled to how many of the original crew are still alive. So J-ing out with 3/5 crew left should give you 60% / 2 = 30% of the SPs back.

Or more. Because every successive respawn cost more, returning even a more significant portion of the original SP cost would not be unbalanced, I guess, if SP gain from other sources is adequately reduced.

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Doctrine changed, TDs and AT gun crews where replaced by ATGM crews. Hell, Britain’s first ATGM used a Hesh warhead lmao

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Quiet, petulant child, for I am quite done with this bullshit.

A single shot disabling you with no chance to fight back is quite literally the opposite of fun, and WT will never sacrifice fun for the tiny amount of realism that you want.

In the end it is a game meant to be enjoyed, not a hardcore historical simulator. The game is intentionally structured around having stricter requirements to kill a tank for that purpose, and that is something that should never be changed.

Parts/FPE are crucial to playing the game, and removing the ability to repair/put out fires is something that will quite literally kill the game for most people. You seemingly have the inability to understand that, and lust after realism despite the fact that realism is not always good.

I am done dealing with your bullshit “arguments”, and I suspect people are tired of seeing them. Normally I try my best to be civil, but at this point I am done, and I cannot deal with your bs.

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Except that happends all the time with APHE.
But yeah sure, suddenly it becomes a problem when it happends for everyone.

Except it doesnt. What APHE does is give you lethality when you aim decently, and it rewards you for aiming for weakspots. If you simply shoot the transmission or engine, APHE will do the same, if not worse then solid shot- and they can simply repair.

If AP postpen is buffed, it will become a legitimate alternative to APHE- not as good postpen damge, but still very much comparable and on a round that has the advantages of overall more pen, as well as the ability to go through parts like engines and transmissions.

The difference between this and your proposal is that you actually have to aim, and if you get disabled, but a friendly takes out the enemy, or if you get your track/engine knocked out, but you kill the enemy tank, you can repair and still fight- which is incredibly important for people’s enjoyment of the game.


communicates using anime memes

calls some “a child”

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction…

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What is being argued? Hesh at 105 and above works wonders for me and angled tank pfft don’t care gonna pen.

HESH is kinda pointless for the L7 since you have APDS that can penetrate armor much more reliably and with insane high velocity, compared to HESH that is very slow in comparison and needs correct shot placement to have a desirable effect.

It can pen most tanks hull armor but that will generally just kill the driver, so you need to hit the turret, yet most tanks have enough front armor to stop HESH from being effective.

This is such a terrible take.

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