Why is APHE first on the list to be changed when HESH/APDS still is jank?

What is being argued? Hesh at 105 and above works wonders for me and angled tank pfft don’t care gonna pen.

HESH is kinda pointless for the L7 since you have APDS that can penetrate armor much more reliably and with insane high velocity, compared to HESH that is very slow in comparison and needs correct shot placement to have a desirable effect.

It can pen most tanks hull armor but that will generally just kill the driver, so you need to hit the turret, yet most tanks have enough front armor to stop HESH from being effective.

This is such a terrible take.

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Your name doesn’t help your opinion do you want every shell to act like 88mm Pzgr completely oneshotting everything they pen regardless of where you hit

No I don’t want APDS to act like APHE but all shells need to do more damage than they would do realistically because survivability is massively increased as well.

I barely even play german tanks anymore.

No they shouldn’t there’s no reason to buff the post pen of APDS there is a reason to nerf APHE as its overperforming massively with shells like the 88 Pzgr instakilling regardless of where you pen someone because of overpressure and spall go look at enlisted the APHE there is realistic and there’s no complaints about it

Was about to say you’re lucky but then realised you play like this

Im just gonna ignore the opinion of the guy who abuses cap rushing and CAS thats just scummy

Crewmembers are overperforming massively too. No real tankers stays in the fight after getting hit by multiple fragments.

Getting overpressured from a barely penning round is retarded I agree but when penning these shells should be a oneshot due to their tanks having a long reloads most of the time.

I played the KV-1C a lot many years ago.

Also compare the whole statcard and not just some small part.

I’d like them to add a TO mode but as long as they don’t why not abuse a broken system?

I’d say, any direct hit of crew should result in death. I’ve had a match-up recently in my comet where I’ve shot the turret of a tiger, had my sabot fly through their gunner’s shoulder and dude only turned orange.

Might be vitality crew skill at play, idk. If it is, it should only affect spalling and not direct hits though…

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All they need to do is just leave APHE as is, and take the changes they want to implement and use it for HESH.

But Gaijin being Gaijin prefers to add yet another problem to their game instead of fixing problems that already exist.

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It is still amazing the APHE rework got warped in to a buff, and HESH and APDS/APCR are completely ignored, because your round failing to do anything to no fault of your own (shattering on random model jank, or HESH just having zero range on damage and a high chance of failing to damage things it really should) is yknow just a fun feature :DDDD


A thread that questions the unquestionable descisions of gaijin. Stona, close this thread quickly before people are getting wind of it!


What even happened?

After the poll Gaijin said there would be some testing phase but other than on the Dev Server, it never happened.

So was that it? No APHE rework? Just an additional buff to make them even better?

The initial voting was just for testing the implementation, after that there was supposed to be poll to whether the changes should be implemented or not.


my guy the tank in that picture above is a complete write off, the running gear on the entire left side of the hull is gone, the barrel is badly deformed, the turret ring is broken, and if memory serves pressure sensors inside the tank registered lethal levels of pressure throughout the entire tank.