Why is APHE first on the list to be changed when HESH/APDS still is jank?

Bit off, but I’ve always wondered how different the flow of battle and all that would be like if damaged optics/cupola/wounded commander caused sections of the screen to go black or if it limited your fov to only what the driver/gunner can see

The question is that the damage of all bullets should be modified. Not only give realistic damage to the APHE, but also to all of them, since practically all of them do less damage than in reality. This vote for the APHE would only solve one part of the problem, but it would take a lot more work, changing the damage of the other bullets and then balancing the tanks correctly.

No, they deal infact a lot more damage than should be possible.
The damage is artifically buffed to make up for the insane damage of APHE.

In reality, you tanks gets penetrated, someone gets ripped appart or wounded and the crew bails.
They say “oh my god, the tank is on fire” and get the hell out of there, instead of trying to put out a fire inside the vehicle while still under fire.

Planes have engine fire extinguisher, if they historically had them.
Ground vehicles just have some magic fire extinguisher regardless, if they had them or not.

Ground vehicles are much more survivable then they should be.
If it was realistic, then realistic damage also wouldn’t be a problem.

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Probably because HESH and APDS changes are an upgrade and improves player experience, while aphe changes decreases player experience

No this is 200% inaccurate. They tested a naval gun because they could, it never went into service. They also built the Conway with the new 120mm gun until they realised the 20pdr was adequate for the job until the conqueror was ready and by the time it was the 20pdr was surpassed by the 105mm which suprise suprise, used HESH and every western nation adopted its use in the 105.


Really what I am referring to the damage of the other bullets is the fact that on many occasions when the bullets penetrate they do not make fragments, or in any case minimal fragments, it is as if there were an RNG in the fragmentation of all the non-APHE bullets ,and it usually fails a lot, causing the damage to disappear, or things happening like when shooting where a tank has the tie-breaker, you kill the commander and the shooter only has minor injuries.

Sid shot requires space to produce a Spall cone. Don’t shoot directly into crew or modules, they absorb the fragments too early. I usually shoot. Entire mass in most situations this allows cone to form and kill the turret crew for a one shot. S bit to the right if I want to kill driver too

It is a bug, or that there is an RNG for spalling in non-APHE bullets, because you fire a shot at that point and do no damage, then you shoot again and kill almost the entire crew, then the next three shots do not cause damage, all shooting at the same point.

Never seen this, spalling is always predictable in the same places

It cannot be, using almost all types of bullets it is very common that when penetrating they do no damage or that they do minimal damage, causing the damage to stop at a single crew member, or for the bullet to pass through the entire tank without harming anyone and only breaking the engine, and it has even happened to me that the bullet passed through the shooter without doing anything to him and only killing the commander.
In fact, it is common for you to need more than three shots to kill someone with HEAT or APCR-APDS.

Apcr creates almost no spalling, this is known and isn’t inaccurate, it’s a very small projectile.

Other solid shot is predictable and why I said a million times now on YouTube and on the old forums and this as well as all the people I’ve played with and helped. Solid shot needs space to form a cone, don’t shoot at crew or modules, shoot at space in front of the most amount of crew so it has time to form a large cone

No. This is something that has to be ingame for quite obvious balance reasons- noone wants their engine to be shoy and be completely unable to move for the rest of the game.


Which use to happen when tanks came out and for years after if you didn’t have parts and only light tanks could repair you too. Was a horrible time.



Tbh idgaf what side of the APHE argument people are on, this is definitely not the solution lol

Actually incorrect, FV4005 was dropped because the UK MoD smoked something* and decided HESH ATGMs where the way forward and we got the Malkava ATGM instead

*Presumably they where smoking whatever was leftover when they wrote the 1957 defence paper that said “fuck it, we don’t need fighters, nuclear tipped SAMs is where it’s at”

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What people aren’t mentioning is that HESH was supposed to create fragmentation inside the tank, not necessarily penetrate through the armor. What would help make HESH better is if fragments BOUNCED around in the tank

If you cant admit something bad is bad idk the challenger is an objectively bad tank there’s no question about it, reminds me i should make a bug report about the chally 2, 2F, TES and OES since the TOGS sight should be Gen 1 not Gen 2

The 20pdr wasnt adequate though its one of the reasons why L7 was developed

Again I only have problems with Hesh below 105

Later on of course, when it was developed however it was very good.

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