Why gaijin make big maps

but take ardennes in the wide version: u can literally shoot from one spawn to the other and i’m quite there are others


The funny is, why Arcade mains are crying about map size and demanding more stupid small maps in REALISITC BATTLE section???


Long range Ka-50 kills you say?

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Yeah, thinking about my experience with arcade mode, it makes sense why you wouldnt want big maps in that mode. The name of the game in arcade is lots of hard cover and fast paced gameplay.

Flanking and sniping almost never work, concealment and being a rat also are impossible.
It also makes some of his comments about “sitting hull down and spamming shots at other hull down peekers” and “people moving around firing at each other while missing constantly at long range” make more sense as well, because both are pretty uncommon scenarios in RB so I was confused as to why he was making those comments.

The smaller and close quarters city style maps are definitelly the better option in AB. But this is the RB section so it doesnt apply here, and plus as I mentioned earlier there is no reason why the AB and RB modes need to share the same map pool, in the same way they dont in Air battles.


Totally agree.

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I agree with it, and at top tier matches its still worse, you die once and the other team is in your respawn. Small maps with an Abrams for exemple, you can hear it like you are using a wallhack, you know where is everybody

In the planes in a top tier RB tank match is really bad too, you respawn 15km with an AA lauching missiles and a fox3 coming. And now gaijin putted 1000 meters clouds in all maps, ridiculous.

We need more big maps, at top tier matches its still worse, you die once and the other team is in your respawn. Small maps with an Abrams for exemple, you can hear it like you are using a wallhack, you know where is everybody. We cant flank or snipe in these small maps with really good tank, it always the same, you stay in a spot or corner with the engine off.

And now I played at downtier, its just small maps, you cant use light tanks or destroyers like it should be, the match looks like Im playing world of tanks, everybody in the same corner

In the planes in a top tier RB tank match is really bad too, you respawn 15km with an AA lauching missiles and a fox3 coming. And now gaijin putted 1000 meters clouds in all maps, ridiculous.

This game should try to be realistic, not an arcade wtih small maps. Small maps is really for arcade games.


Yes it makes them more fun

Noboy will touch Ab you can keep your tiny maps, fun gamplay as fun the word is relative. Its not fun to play on tiny maps hence you dont have a lot of sim players as there is nothing keep them coming.
Im not just gona ask for bigger maps I demand them. So again for you, youc an keep your tiny AB maps. Nobody will touch your clown car that is not fun at all.

And now we see a prime example of why we like to distance ourselves from arcade, it’s full of people like this too angry and seething to play GRB

One day they will make it like squadron battles where you spawn on the runway, this makes playing CAS at top tier infinitely easier imo since you can plan how you want to attack, not be forced into evasion and counter-SAM fights instantly

i even agreed on something but u guys just dont care

No, we don’t because using slurs in your replies attracts a response faster than some random take in your lengthy string of replies

At this point I would guess the frequency of small maps in rotation it’s there to cater new players, because it is more user friendly,when I was new and still dumb I actually prefers small maps, but as time goes my playstyle has changed overtime so now I only play bigger map, if they give me one too many advance to the toilet or poop city then I will quit the map without even spawning once lol


i mean it’s like the same exact problem the Escape From Tarkov player base has always been complaining: people sitting in bushes for the whole match. i guess u would play like those people in that game.

I would like maps that allow a mix of combat, it’s very simple to make maps big enough to allow sniping, medium range combat and CQC, this is why I believe Fulda and Maginot lines are the perfect maps in the CORRECT formats, they allow room for any playstyle and promote interesting strategies, something vanishing in the newer maps

Quite the opposite, I mainly play cars in this game and use my speed as a weapon, camping is frankly boring in my eyes

thank you, i’ve already said that at least 3 times. at least someone is trying arrange some long range prospective.

wanna know something? u can get a nuke in RB also by running around with a paper tank like the radkampfwagen90

Or my personal favourite, the ZA-35