Why gaijin make big maps


i usually do that because i learn to do that in arcade, armor is part of a solution not just “the solution” and i’ve seen some realistic players also do that. if u’re not doing it u’re not using ur vehicle completely.

it’s not just hard covers in some of the open field maps like mozdok u can actually play hull down.
the point is the same @ БЕИ has made and that i also made in other answers.

A single proxy round is not going to work in the vast majority of circumstances, an actual SPAA would be better.

You still dont have a single tank above 8.0 im still going to ignore anything you say go away

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Please dont take em as the majority, we are honestly pretty chill :)

Not even true; also I should probably ignore you as well if you think my argument has anything to do with having vehicles past 8.0, lol.

Except armor in AB is far more powerful then in RB, and for some tanks their armor is quite literally the solution- its that damn powerful.

owo bkan noises

I mean, the Bkan has double the fire rate and a much bigger shell…

Hard agree right here, I would love to see some more unique maps for AB.

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If people want bigger maps they should just add Naval maps to Ground (with the various bridges/etc repaired).

Ngl that would be peak


Oh wow you finally manged to get a vehicle higher than 8.0 for GRB what an achievement shame you still cant have an opinion on anything that pertains to the 10km range Helis since they’re all too high for you to even see and you dont even own a single vehicle with HE-VT still so anything you say here is moot

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it’s the opposite because in arcade u have the marker that tells u if u can pen that spot or not and the point of impact. it’s literally the opposite.

Give me more big maps, no one likes small maps.

As both an arcade main and US main, I would absolutely adore some larger maps, especially ones with actual terrain.


Exactly. I want less maps like red desert, and more like 2nd battle of El Alamein or Fulda.


I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Kuban, especially the early versions that let the Sherman go hull-down.

Yes but we need well designed big maps with actual terrain for cover and interesting gameplay. Fulda, Tunisia, and maginot line are good examples.

Big maps help to prevent camping.
Why move on small map if you dont make it in time to get a good spot and you will be shoot and die in transfer?
Big maps offer more protection from cas, in case of woods giving visial cover. Even more important the higer you get with all that thermals and F&F weapons.
Big maps are not really big depending on what TIR you are at. They need to be much bigger 20x20 km.
This is the only way to balance top tir. Size and layout of terain is the way to go.
Map designers at gajin should stop thinking FPS design like but city and land planer wise. If people would live here where would they work? Where wood food come frtom? water? trash? Simply take any city builder and take that as refernce. This way you even got many themes and variety in maps.

Make maps bigger and better.
Stop making tiny maps for ground as it is now and stop wasting space.

Just think about Fulda map. The ground battle maps in the center. 1% of the whole map is used. 99% is wasted space. You could fit so many more maps with the same fulda theme in that space. Let players fight from airfield to airfield in mini campains. Instead of having one match and then a new map. Have the mini campain play out over 3 to 6 matches. some faster some slower. Some will favor one style of fighting while others will favor others. You can fit CQB and lonmg range and everthing in between in there. Even diffrent day of times and weather wioth its effects.


For high tier tanks when Thermal Laser rangefinder apfsds and ATGM coming to play big map should be by default and modern tanks are not slow they are fast hell even for WW2 match map are too small in this game

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