Why gaijin make big maps

No i’m not, after 3 shots i just get bored

My point is: do you wanna drive even more than that by getting even bigger maps?

Maybe you should try to play at that hour and see how many nukes you can get…you would be surprised of how things change

@Flak_Dancer Of course i only play germany, i didnt give this game a dime, the few premium vehicles i have i bought when i got the 75% discount coupon and were the strictly necessary for squadron battles.

So two players mirroring eachother in the movements at 1+km with enough time to dodge eachother bullets is skill issue?

… Yes? Thats the entire thing I am arguing for. I dont care about driving for a little bit, it allows me to move around and adjust my position to suit based on how the battle has evolved rather than spawning and only being able to come from one of a few routes as most small city maps force you to do.

I literally play at that hour primarily. I live in New Zealand. My prime time is literally around 3am Eastern US time.

If you really want to make unscientific feeling based arguments like that, then fine. Because on weekends when im free from work, I normally play around late morning-early afternoon my time, because I have in my experience found that time of day consistently has the easiest games to play and win at, and is absolutely where I have consistently gotten the most nukes. Guess what times those hours coincide with? Yep, Prime time USA.


there’s nothing unscientific here just my five years continuos experience(Edit: i count from 2015 to 2020, the other years i havent played constantly): in EU the hardest hours to play are from 1pm to 4pm and from 10pm to 1am. it has always been like that: i have my high-kill games and victories in a row in all the other hours of the day and the hardest games in those 2 periods i specified. I play on EU and CIS servers.

I have 12 years of Experience in War thunder, and my entire gaming career more years of experience in… every single other online game I’ve ever played that doesn’t have an Oceania region to play on.

since USA is the next closest region usually, thats the region I play on, and USA prime times are usually the easiest general times to play.

and I do it with the permanent penalty of 200ms ping.

Edit: speaking of 200ms ping, thats another reason I prefer long range maps especially at top tier. You know how often top tier fights at close range are won by “whoever fires first wins”? Its rediculously common when you are having to fight at close range. And since Im stuck on 200 ping, the answer is NEVER “me” in those fights.

its much less common at longer ranges because of things like shell flight time allowing the server to catch up to the fact I’ve fired my gun while their shell is still in flight, and the fact its much rarer for you both to see each other and fire at each other at the same time on long range maps.


Thats what tanks are designed to do, to maximize there effectiveness. Not roll around point blank range or rather lets call it dogfighting in tanks. Even the soviet designs with there low profile and very thick turrets. They may have some disadvantages in other areas but even there they would have more benefits then in city’s where all is negated.
Your the guy that trys to cut with a spoon, Knifes are for cutting spoons are for soup.

So dogfight in air, dogfight in ground dogfight on sea. Retarded. Instead of having distinct gameplay differences throe the modes its all the same. Keep the small maps for arcade then. RB bigger maps SIM huge maps. The higher you get the bigger the maps should get. The higher in BR and and in complexity of controls.

WT is making it self pointless with all added features.


yeah i know that even by just playing on russian servers with 84 ping but you can still win against that: just prefire before going into the corner, i’ve done it several times.
I get your point but still why should they change something about the maps just because someone is forced to play with 200ms, that’s a small percentage of the player base and a geographical that has to be fixed by someone else.

They don’t have to change maps for people playing on high ping.

I have put like 20 replies in this thread as to why I prefer large maps before even bringing it up. Its not even a primary concern, it was an afterthought I thought of as to why I naturally prefer them when mentioning the high ping.

I checked your stats, you have 17 thousand games in arcade, and… 973 in Realistic. And all are only in one nation.

I’m not sure that discussing map rotation in realistic modes really matters to you, since the gameplay in both AB and RB are so incredibly different. I can see why you’d dislike long range in AB, I’ve tried some of my RB flanking and sniping tactics in arcade, it doesn’t work and it sucks. But it isn’t relevant to RB gameplay.

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that’s because you keep asking for more realism, just stop this game-ruining escalation. It has already happend with Escape From Tarkov with its new armor system released in genuary. War Thunder is ment to have a good percentage of realism while you’re asking for a simulative game with your “that’s what tanks are designed to do”. War thunder is supposed to be a realistic answer to World of Tanks with destroyable models and killable crew not a completly simulative game and in the end A GAME. A GAME is supposed to be fun and to allow you to do something you would be able to do in real life. The more simulative you’re gonna make it the less players will play it and guess what in a pay-to-win game less INCOME. SQUAD is a simulative game and guess what it has less than 20k people playing instead of 190k of WT so you have to keep the balance between amount of players playing and realism otherwise you will make a p2w game that is not able to sustain it self.

Edit: it’s like when you asked for volumetric shells…yay more RNG ricochet on already overpowered russian tanks com’on. you want realism? look at the new models they added on 2s38 and puma it makes them so fun now, right?

i’ve already explained why i played only one nation(and dont really feel like restarting from the bottom).

even if i have those number if i want to play realistic squadron battles i have to play realistic battles(which i’ve been doing in the last month) and it’s not that hard to put up an hypothetical situation from what i’ve seen in those 973. And from what i’ve seen in other games where the player base asked for more realism that didnt go well.

stop strawmaning, nobody said they’d like to drive for half an hour. the biggest map, red desert or tunisia only takes 2-3 minutes for you to meet enemies

sorry bro I don’t like shipment 24/7 spawncamp 3rd person corner staredown simulator
If i wanted something like that i’d just play call of duty

this is the peak of being disingenuous I dont want a simulative gameplay nor does it matter if you play simulator or realistic because BOTH MODES GET THE SAME MAP


so you drive for 2-3 minutes and then a ka-50 deletes you and your friends. You’re all thinking “what’s the problem with 2-3 mins” but u’re not thinking about how many times u have to do it to progress in the game, u’re not thinking about how much time u’ll be spending in the game fighting people with way more experience than you, i’m not talking about my self i’m talking about refreshing the comunity so that u dont have to tryhard 24/7.

arcade have never been shipment 24/7 even on city maps like rhine especially at high tier like 11.7 where everyone is quite aware of the situation imagine in realistic mode where everything is slower. If you guys are to slow to react in those situation why the player base have to pay for that?

this is not being disingenuos: if u start saying “in real life this happens”, “tanks are not ment for that” or all the other sentences u typed in first messages u sent u’re asking for a more simulative game, u’re asking for more realism and i can count at least 3 ppl saying “it’s a game not real life”. u are going in a direction that will kill game. u need to keep the game somewhat simple so that more ppl can play, diversy the gameplay and make a p2w game able to sustain it self.

because it doesnt always have to be always about who reacts faster and who has less ping

never happened to me and I 100% have the capability to dispose the ka50

this is just a load of nothingburger. the game is grindy by default it wont matter “how many times you have to do it”

gaijin has made multiple horrible decisions that should’ve done that but it didnt
how do you know this will kill it?

this game is already simple as it is specially with cas gameplay. if you want it to be EVEN MORE SIMPLE go ahead and keep playing arcade or hell even ground assault since it cant get simpler than that

making people drive for between thirty seconds or a minute and a half or two minutes instead of 5 seconds before they meet the enemy isnt making the game complex all of a sudden. you’d be an astronomical fool if you think such a simple yet effective solution is making the game complex

Oh no not the slow moving usually stationary target anything but that :D

Slams 120mm MPAT through your pilots skull

Arkaden has always been shipment 24/7 all the small maps should be relegated to arcade only and any and all future RB maps should be at least the size of pradesh

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Who tf likes small maps, apebrawling with tanks as if you were playing mariokart with a cannon. A good map has 3 parts, its got part for long range engagement, a part for medium range engagements and a city part where people can apebrawl if they want to. Being forced into CQB with a tank whos entire design philosophy is to shoot things at long distance feels utterly aweful and is akin to giving a person a sniper rifle to use for a fight inside a house.
Gaijin keeps making every single map thats atleast somewhat enjoyable smaller or cutting off flanking routes.
Tunisia was fine because if you wanted close fight there was the city, if you wanted medium fights you could have gone to the bridge and then either fight over the bridge or use the elevated position to fight over the valley and ofc the valley with multiple dunes to hide behind and shoot for people that like to fight across longer range… now look at the map. Flat, worthless, looks like dogshit, you can shoot from one spawn to the other without contest


oh yeah right it should be the one that has been sitting hull-down with t90m for 10 minutes using 3rd person, great show of skill. 100% planning, 100% brain activity.

i dunno what game have u been playing then

because if the matches last longer, against more experienced players because u’re not refreshing the comunity because the grind is too long people will make less of them. TIME is the stringent resource. u’ll create a nieche game with always the same players playing it.

i’m not saying driving for more time is gonna make the game complex just less active so less people will be less interested in playing the game.

yes it’s grindy by default which makes it less played than other games by default and u wanna make it with less action and with time-side longer matches.

hope i answered everything.

wow the shot u had in 1 match over 200, not exactly the proof we needed.

this might be true till tier V, from that tier to VII u need to start planning

i can agree that small and urban maps should be for arcade but dont make the RB maps to big, that’s a no for me. u also have to take in consideration CAS on big open maps which is not fun especially when there is an f16 that peaks over the mountain launch 4 rockets and go back behind the mountain and was able to spawn in a jet with just one kill.

More like every other game i kill a heli or plane in the M1A1

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what? are u not able to plan a 1v4? that’s on ur side.

sounds like a big open map problem

that’s a compromise in the right direction