Why gaijin make big maps

Small city maps??? hell no.

Thats why the actual map desing is a common complain in all forums, right???


@Flak_Dancer people complaining on the forum is less than 5% of the player base.
i seriuosly dont get whats the problem with city maps: go lane by lane, be sure it’s clear, shot. city maps are basically like playing a CS:GO match.

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I dont know where you taked that number but for Gaijin the votation in this and russian forum is the only they takes, just look the last mechanic poll.

The problem is not a city map, the problem is when ALL maps are city maps.

Are you really comparing a tank/planes game with a fps ???


do u know how many votes are on the polls? i’ve been around since 2015 and of 190k players at the peak hours i can for sure count less than 20k people discussing on the forum. Yes, i’m comparing this game to an fps game because from the tank prospective trust me is not that far, to be precise TACTICAL FPSs. I’ve been playing it like an fps, i’ve done squadron battles from 2015 to 2020 with 3 different squadrons and reached top 3 twice, top 5 twice and top 10 at least 5 times. i can agree that maybe there are to many city maps but long range engagements will just ruin the game.

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The ones that are good in the first place are good until there. The ones that are bad, are bad at all BRs.

“On the forums” We are a small section of the playerbase, and I believe that the majority of players do not want large maps.

also rebars and other stuff, even barbedwiere can get in to sprokets and tracks and imbolize a tank, a brock or stone large enougth can do it. Tanks have and still do fall quite offten in cellars, pits and so on. Even more danguerus in urabn enviorments then in the open. Hull down is the desierd postion for every tank. It covers you weak spots and emphezises on your stregths. Soviet design or Western. Changing postions only under full cover. Nothing can be done like that in a city. Even preparing postions is night impossible. It easyer to dig a hole in dirt then asphalt or throu rubble.

In WT its simpel. Your lower hull not mather what model is exposed, ranges are under 100 meters so everything pens and armour is almost usless, IFV´s only advatage is mobility and they need to flank, hide to do there job effectivly. They cant in city maps. They always face tanks face on. Espacily in RB and AB. SPAA needs long ranges that are clear los to be effeictve, they cant in such small canyons, CAS can simply carpet bomb areas without any counter exepct for other airplanes.

The danguers are plenfull in citys, in the open you can evade by driving away. In city good luck. There is 5 or more guys behind you. Its even more easy to get boxed in. and and and.

And looks like thats is enough for Gaijin. I seen a youtube poll created by a popular WT youtuber with more than 50 k votes!!! and was completely ignored.

Maybe Arcade but no RB. In CS all players move at the same speed and the only diference is the weapon are you using. Here we have dozen of diferent vehicles and even planes. No CS and WT are completely different worlds.




Like i said, looks like for Gaijin is enough. Gaijin create his poll here not in redit or youtube. If 500 hundred said yes here and 100 said no in redit gaijin just going to use official fourm poll.

Arcade players maybe but no for RB player base. Just look here, a topic created in RB section but is full of arcade main saying lager maps are bad…cmon!!!

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Oh get off the grass.

Firstly, no one said they have to use the same map pools in arcade and realistic. They use completely different maps for Air Arcade and Air Realistic, the same can be true for Ground. Along with this, Sim mode uses the same map pool in ground as RB, I have played Advance to the rhine in sim mode, it sucked.

Secondly, its not half an hour to drive to points on big maps, come on. Theres like two maps that require a larger than average amount of driving and they are Red Desert and Pradesh, two maps you only ever see once in a blue moon anyway and only at tiers where everything is fast MBTs with Laser rangefinders. Quite frankly, it takes about as much time to drive from spawn to cap on Fulda as it would on a map like Sweden or Breslau because of all the corners and intersections you have to navigate through to get there slow you down, even though the physical distance as the crow flies is shorter.

If you are finding yourself getting constantly cross mapped on large maps that is entirely a skill issue on your part. You are taking bad routes and not using cover or concealment correctly. The fact you in the same sentence blamed your teams for the fact you are getting killed like that is pretty obvious proof of that. Maybe if you took the time to learn how to play on big maps instead of giving up immediately and going back to your safe space city maps you’d have better luck and probably end up finding it more fun in general.

The reason we are asking for big maps is FOR THE GAMEPLAY! Because gameplay on small maps ESPECIALLY at top tier is literal garbage. Think of it this way: at top tier, EVERY SINGLE VEHICLE is at least as fast as the literal fastest light tanks avalible below 7.0, which makes those already cramped maps feel incredibly tiny. Along with this you basically dont have to worry about shell drop until ~800m in most top tier MBTs, further decreasing the relative “size” of these maps. I have to predict shell drop when firing from B to C on advance to the rhine in a WW2 tank, I dont even need my laser rangefinder for rhe same shot in an abrams.


A headset is all you need. Not even a good one either. I got one for free from my father who got it from where he used to work for free. Probably almost a decade old and works wonders.

because it will basically be playing hull down fixing simulator till you a get a lucky shot considering the dispersion of the gun and doing so will jjust get you spotted and targeted by the whole enemy so guess what you’ll get nothing out of that, it’s not fun. The fun comes with playing with friends and in a squad, coordinating with them to defeat the enemy, kills give the real experience to unlock stuff not hiding in a ditch 1.5km from the fight sniping people.

yeah, i know it’s quite hard to understand from the prospective of a player that has been playing since 2014 without a squadron and only premium vehicles, dont worry i get your point of view.

popular youtuber could be spookston playing at 3am in the morning in order to get the easiest matches this world have ever seen because of the people awake at that hour and the matchmaking LOL. Popularity sometimes mean “i’ve the best editor and so you’re seeing the only 10 best moments i had in 100 matches”. the only numbers i see are victory ratio and K/D ratio, not followers/subscribers on twitch/youtube.

Sorry but that sound to brutal skill issue. If you dont know do nothing more is your problem. I can snipe, advance using the terrain or flank depending the tank im playing.

Im playing since 2013 and obtain my fist premiun 2015 or 16. Im playing mostly in RB with practically ALL nations. You only played Germany cmon.

OMG you are not even close. Really you should read before write. Im talking about poll with votations LOL.


if you play the wide version Poland you can literally drive for a minute and a half to get within 200 meters from the cap.

so me playing in hull down from a spot to another, making pings on the minimap as much has i can to increase the situation awareness of my team, trying to destroy gun breachs and barrels right and left to help my team advancing the line and dying from a guy literally 100 meters away from a friend that is probably playing with wrong audio settings and cannot hear the enemy engine or even without a headset(yes, someone told me that and i still cannot believe it) it’s my fault. fuck me i used 6k hours of my life on the wrong game. oh no wait that’s why i joined a squadron so at least 4 out 16 are coordinating eachother. It’s insane how when i play with friends i die less and win more.

and i get that, you dont wanna get spawncamped after 5 minutes and you just want a relaxed game but playing long range you’ll just end up in tunnel vision. Is it really big maps the solution?

Yeah so this is a complete and utter load of lies.

This is a WORLDWIDE game. Just because it is 3AM where you live doesnt mean its 3AM everywhere else.

If you are in the USA, 3AM eastern time is prime time for me, and the rest of us in Oceania, Australia and NZ. You know what else it starts becoming prime time for around then? China. So you find a LOT of chinese players on at that time, and im sure you know how everyone likes to complain about the stereotypical Chinese cheaters, yet I still do just fine.

If you want to have a solid debate, grasping at straws like that is not the way to do it.


It can take around a minute and a half to get to the cap from spawn on sweden as well, whats your point?

None of this is specific to long range maps. Bad teammates are going to be bad no matter what. People playing with bad sound settings are going to be more effected on short range maps where hearing engine sounds is more common and more important too.

When I play in a squad with friends I win more and die less often too, again this isnt a specific long range map only phenomenon.

The opposite is true. Playing long range forces you to be aware of your surroundings and constantly watch out around you. On a city map as long as you arent trying to drive through a crossroads you only have to look directly in front or behind you down the street. Its much easier to tunnel vision and its why its so easy to just sit around a corner on a city map and wait for a clueless enemy to drive past so you can blast them in the side.


The exact same thing happens on smaller maps. You need to be aware of where people might be/are going to be, and you have to act accordingly.

Large maps often have issues with having power spots, and too many sight lines. You also can’t see/hear who shot at you until you are already dead, unlike city maps.

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how can that be true if u’re shooting a guy in hull down that keeps moving all the time dodgin your shots or ur just engaging long range all the time. i’ve killed so many players that were hiding in a ditch fighting long range.

Of course you do, but small maps have the issue of not enough options on where to move. You can only come from so many directions and its very easy to set up on one of those limited routes and blast anyone coming down it, where on a more open map you can move around a lot more to avoid that.


Sounds like you are the one tunnel visioned because you are focusing on the guy in the ditch and not the one flanking out wide to get side shots on you.


That’s not a small map issue, but a Gaijin map design issue. Gaijin is very bad at adding variety to places you can go, but a handful of maps succeed. Rhine, Fulda, and Maginot are all quite good at having multiple routes available, and they are better with smaller team sizes too.