Why gaijin make big maps

Nope, it’s just a vocal minority as always.

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no it is relevant because the people that make tanks do it in such way so they can work in the said doctrine. if the doctrine was to put tanks in urban environments why dont they have stronger rear armor or roof armor etc
if the doctrine is long range support it’s gonna have mostly frontal armor and better turret armor and if you take the tank made for long range doctrine and put it in urban environments it’s not gonna do as good

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If you cope any harder you might black out boy.

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Alright, I guess I’ll have to be more specific. Infantry does not exist in WT. Anti-tank weapons (mines, rockets, AT guns, manually placed charges, etc) do not exist in WT. Urban infrastructure not being built to support tanks (you will not fall into sewers/basements/etc) does not exist in WT. And so on.

If you look on Reddit (more casual players than here), you will see that many do not enjoy larger maps, and they have their own reasons for that.

I suspect that the players who aren’t here or there prefer smaller maps due to the quicker and often more balanced gameplay. No one enjoys sniping for an entire match, because Gaijins map design encourages camping.

did you read my post? its about WHAT task tanks were made to do and in WHICH environments
im sure you realize that doctrine does not solely consist of only infantry

I wish there were more big maps where you can play tactically instead of the 500th city map that only rewards those with really good sound systems or cheat software

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False, most of the polls created show small trash urban maps as most hated or disliked, example American Desert or the removed White rock fortress.
Maybe you interest in spread lies is because you are arcade player and you want the entire game become in the idoitc brother of wot with stupid small maps and battles of 2 minutes.


they still do. It turns into an uncontrollable shitshow and leaves tanks voulnerable to being ambushed and shot in their weak points.

Strategies don’t really work with tanks in cities.

The newer city maps actually make me yearn for shite rock fortress. That map was actually fun at lower BRs

Did those polls include a large portion of players not on the forums?

Small maps are better because Gaijin can’t design good large maps. Players will prefer smaller maps because of that, just look on Reddit and you will see many players who prefer them.

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Since big version of Maginot Gaijin just use this base for create map LOL


To be fair… Sun City is also just Dubai/US city design. But yes, I really don’t like these maps

I’m not seeing any specific similarities beyond “is a city”.

I’d love to see the classic floor-mat-city as a map though, it’d make a great April Fools map at least; it definitely needs to have the “simple” and “bright colours” aesthetic too.


And really, this sort of insult-based, patting-oneself-on-the-back snark is worthless.

See, anyone can do that. And it contributes nothing of value.

From Hundred to thousands of votes, this is very old discussion.

Small maps are good for arcade and low BRs (4.0 or 5.0 max)

A small group of players.

I just look reddit and i ve seen exactly the opposite a lot fo people boring of the same trash flat small urban map.


if you make big maps it will just be “oh look at me i’ve been driving for half an hour and i just got shot from the other side of the map because my team wasnt looking” or worse “i’ve been driving for half an hour and i’ve found no one great game!/ yes! one kill! now i’m gonna need other 30 matches to get the repair kit”. I srly dont f****** know why people have been asking for big maps since at least 2018, it is the worst idea you realistic guys have ever had. If you want a SIMULATIVE gameplay @P1tZO just play simulative matches and dont bother realistic players or arcade with your “in real life would be different”, it’s a game for christ sake it’s ment to be fun and in this case with some realism in it! if you want realism just open the door and get out. jesus christ…

it’s like the same problem with realistic matchmaking: one friend wants to play russians tanks and doesnt have time to research other nations, another one wants to play germany and another one americans tanks. Result: 10 mins of queue to just drive then get shot from god knows where maybe even twice and go back to the hangar. THINK ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY BEFORE ASKING FOR MORE F******* REALISM!

Prove that War Thunder has enemy infantry.

Prove that tanks are on rooftops.

Is basically you do LOL.

They’re quite good up until atleast 8.3.

The players who want larger maps are the smaller groups.

I find that it is 50/50.

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