Why free RP

No, people have asked to be able to use SL to use CRP for years and years.
You’ve got the Stockholm Syndrome bad dude.

Asked for years? Sure what’s that got to do with what Ive said. It effects the economy no matter how long people have been asking. People have been asking for lots of rubbish in the game for years and thankfully they don’t implement every idea that comes up.

You associated the recent “economy” changes with this suggestion that CRP be purchasable with SL.
There is no economy in WT. Its just how Gaijin throttles player progression and extends the suffer.

No you misunderstood. I used the current change in economy as something that would be effected by the changes you guys are proposing. People demanded more sl because they didn’t have enough to play the game and now your demanding the player be able to convert rp with SL. This indicates there is now too much sl and if they want to keep making money from converting gold to SL it needs to have value. To much sl in the economy and less people buy gold to convert sl. The company loses income. People stop buying GE for SL and now converting RP they lose even more money. Converting GE to the convert SL to buy RP conversion turns up cheaper then converting GE they lose more money. As a result because they are a business they will reduce SL income, increase repair and purchase costs and increase the cost of SL conversion from gold to compensate so it maintains its value and the economy progresses the speed they want while maintaining profits. Simple economics and why this request won’t happen.

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Thankyou for explaining this more eloquently, I tried but ended up attracting a troll instead.

As I tried to point at above, everything that accelerates the grind will be seen by Gaijin as a problem. Because the game is based on a certain progression speed that Gaijin controls. Changing details won’t do it. They’ll change other details. The only option is to convince Gaijin that progression is too slow.

And thus basically as Razielkaine explained.


You are making a lot of assumption there. And you are also assuming that the only way Gaijin can make money is by continuing its exploitative policies. Its both cynical and naïve at the same time…
The people who spend money on the game aren’t going to spend less if it becomes cheaper/faster to progress thru the game. That is a ridiculous thesis. In fact, it would probably induce more of that “70%” them to spend more. Players might actually enjoy the game instead of feeling like they are being nickel and dimed by a casino. The grind is one of the biggest largest complaints of the game, one it had to directly address because the players finally rebelled against it.
Now will they do so? Probably not because they don’t have to and they are fine with the Rube Goldberg Machine they’ve built.
Doesn’t mean its right or the only way that the game could be run.

Yeah, it is convertable RP, although I think they should have a time, once a week or so where you can use a MAX of either 5,000 or 10,000 of your convertible RP for free.

even 1000 rp per week would make a huge difference

And what is this magical progression speed? IS this based on premium vehicles, accounts, etc?

Does this take into consideration player performance?

An extra jet in 8 years.

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Sure I would.

So what you say :

Actually, I enjoy the game. What I don’t enjoy is more my problem than the game’s. Spending won’t help there.

This is something that Gaijin would know. You will have to ask there for details.

LOL ok so your argument is moot if you have nothing to back it up.

It can help you to grind modifications faster

I am not going to look for countless past replies by gaijin senior mods in the old forum which stated this very point. You don’t need to believe in Gravity to fall down.

Cool story

You have much less problems when you don’t spend half or more of your game time trying “to spade” (aka: get a vehicle actually mission capable and competitive).
And if you’ve already broken down and given the Snail your coin, I doubt you’re going to stop paying for other/more things.

These guys have Stockholm Syndrome. They’ve been screwed by Gaijin for so long they don’t even realize it anymore.

Does it not occur to you that voluntarily suffering through a game 167 times a week is far more mental than to play a game, which one doesn’t suffer from but enjoys?