Why does MIG-29G get better engines?

Keep in mind Russians named two different version of Mig29 as Mig29M.

I wrote in the message…_9-15…

That will be the very bad idea to insult Brit mains who their average players are equivalent to very skills players of Russia or US hell British TT are fking hell on earth to play from start to the top of their TT even Dark Souls are easier than playing Britain TT (Trust me i do play Dark souls and Brits i know)


Nah i completed all 3 dark souls with keyboard and i will say that its still easier to grind british tt with controller / mouse and keyboard than complete entire dark souls 1-3 without dying using mouse and keyboard

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why is this even being argued, so what if it’s a 10kgf difference, the SMT should still get its series 3 engines. If it were any other jet many would be up in arms about it.

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In that case you still would need to wait, britain & sweden habe priority, after that japan and china maybe that only have old f16s

cause it doesn’t make a difference to it so it kind of pointless

it makes huge diffrence you could take a lot less fuel and be alot lighter

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i tried saying the same thing 3-4 times, each time they responded it doesnt matter

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here fixed it for you

because if you really think Mavericks are better then Kh-29T, youre delusional.

they are, they do not lock on to the ground like KH-29TD, you get 6 of them combined with 2 GBUs and 4 9M alongside it and a Thermal Pod with actual zoom

and? thats the sole reason theyre worse? well then I have news for you.

Tell me the news

i dont need your videos i have the Mavericks myself thank you

What? what video are you talking about, you do not make any sense at all

first of all having 6 Mavericks doesnt matter if you dont get any kills with them, HE is generally more reliable then HEAT, so having two missiles that guarantee almost always two kills is much better then having 6 and hoping the enemy only has light vehicles because you cant one shot any MBTs because either the roof ERA eats the whole missile of the HEAT charge is not able to kill the whole crew because theyre separated enough.

not talking to you, the world doesnt revolve around you.

someone randomly posted a video of him in his F-16C. its gone now idk why.

i didnt see any video in the thread so i was confused, whom did they post a video of? who is “him”?

dunno someone that name startes with an M, thats all I saw, now its gone.


i could still download it