Why does MIG-29G get better engines?

this has to be a joke

This is what baffles me about people’s expectations…

As we move more and more into the modern age, nimble and acrobatic jets become more and more brick like as they take on more and more avionics and other weight. MiG-29s are victims of this just as the F-16, F-15 and so on are.

The SMT will never in it’s life out-perform BFM wise a 9.12.

it would gain some thrust compared to normal RD-33 it would have same thrust as the mig 29g while also needing less fuel making it a lot less of a heavy cow it is right now

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By the time you enter the battle you would already burn quite amount of fuel, which in this case it will be the same result.

Although im not against recieving new engine with less fuel consumption it will practially not gonna change the overall playstyle(at least for me).

Just think of it like this, you won’t need the fuel pod ever.

You can jettison the fuel tank before expending it completely.

But you dont keep the additional fuel tank for all the time, after 3-4 minutes additional fuel tank will be depleted because your extra fuel would already be burned.

So it still doesnt make sense.

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But still , you will not need it at all. So you start using internal fuel from the start without fear of running out in a normal match.

Dude, I’m just asking. You’re the one making the claim, so I assume that you got a source. Make a bug report.

Many people already did , but gaijin refuses all of them.

Russians must have given the better engines to Germany so they had no better engines left to equip the SMT. They put the old engines

Even if we assume the SMT did get upgraded engines, it would only increase thrust by 7% which is the RD-33MK standard.

Well they had much better engines for M models yet they refused to put into SMT.

7% extra thrust with less fuel consumption with the removal of the fuel pod because of said less fuel consumption would make a difference

Yes, and the mig-29 9.12 should have gotten its R73s and the mig-29g shouldn’t have even been added in game. It’s for the sake of the grind and getting Russia players wilded up.

Next patch we will see a better mig-29 or a su-27 or something for Russia to get the US players angry.

I agree with the unnecessary addition of 29G , both 9.12 and 9.13 should have received R-73 and gone to 12.3 , then I wouldn’t have to use the garbage that is SMT. A 9.13 with R-73 would be better than SMT (That’s the 29G in practical terms)

The MiG-29M, the next step in that line, wouldn’t be any better.

The M is several tonnes heavier than the 9.12 with fuck all extra thrust to show for it. This is your foreseeable future if you’re a MiG-29 main.

M was fitted with thrust vectoring so it would be still a big jump


  1. The mass of an empty equipped aircraft is 9-12-11140 kg…
  2. The mass of an empty equipped aircraft is 9-15-11600 kg…
  3. RD-33K engines were installed on the MiG-29M (9-15), which had a complex digital control system that also generated commands for controlling the air intake flaps, and a new remote box of units. The thrust of the engines at maximum mode was increased to 5500 kgf (53.9 kN), at full afterburner - up to 8800 kgf (86.3 kN)…

I just want something capable of fighting F-16C in ANY NATION, i have the 16C and it feels like cheating, if every match wasnt USA vs USA mixed it would be unstoppable. I would rather have a SU-27 variant than a MIG-29

Which Mig29M are you talking about?

Cause Mig29M aka 9.15 is nothing like you talked about.