Why does MIG-29G get better engines?

then go to instagram or reddit, this is not the place for hating nations so blatantly.


Yeah cause it is if these engines were added the smt would be no different and the way you talk to others is terrible and disregarding people cause the play Britain

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And you are disregarding everything because it is Russian and you specifically do not like Russia. Am i wrong? I was never against any addition to any nation, yet you come here and act this way because Britain does not have a 12.3 and the privileged russians have a 12.3 so they are not allowed to complain?


over 10kg of thrust no

And you are the person to decide who can discuss what ? You are the boss at Gaijin?

this has to be to most petty thread i have ever seen


there no point talking to you any more you are just deluded

As much as i love to see engine buff for SMT it never used different or better engines Malekitth.

You’re just a troll

it did use series 3 right now in game it uses the same engine old mig’s used aka rd-33

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Are you sure you’re not talking about potantiel upgraded version that uses Mig29M’s engine but never entered into production?

Cause as far as i know 9.19R model never recieved better engines.

9.12 did? Doesn’t make sense , at all.

no the engines smt used should be RD-33 series 3 they should have same power rd-33 series 2 have and use alot less fuel compared to rd-33 series 1 there is also ovt engines for mig 29 ovt (its smt with thrust vectoring)


It’s like 60kgf extra thrust, barely outside the margin of error.

Weird hill to die on.


not to mention thrust curves that 10kgf will disappear or get added onto as soon as you climb 10m up or down once you take off

It is not about the performance difference , it is about the fact that gaijin didn’t bother to do anything correctly with SMT yet they added a new engine for 29G.

Basically same engine in terms of flight performance, only difference is fuel consumption (which shouldnt be a problem since SMT has more fuel then 9.13).

That plane suppose to be one of the Mig29M prototype if im not mistaken.

But it is a problem , because if we had an engine with less fuel consumption we could start with less fuel , you know? 500-600 Kg lighter for entire match basically.

OVT wasnt a prototype

Changes alot as you could take less fuel while gaining some thrust and having less weight

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Are you seriously complaining about 10Kgf difference my guy?