Why does MIG-29G get better engines?

Yes it 275kg lighter than Russian one with full tank loaded doesn’t mean it meta above Russia it hardly effects the game unless you 1V1 it very longs time by the real gameplay you would be dead before the lighter weight will take effect.

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Last i checked you can pen every abrams with the batchat 25t. Oh boy, tons of armor.

it was the most meta plane in the game for 6 months, if you are denying this i dont know what to tell you.

Mig-29 was META, and as the lighter variant MIG-29 germany was the most meta plane in the game for more than half a year.

yeah, you’re right mig-29 are meta but both of them are meta not just German one

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And what did i say? The german one was the most meta, stop trying to find a reason just to attack everything i say.

Did the SMT use a different engine?

RD-33 series 3


Where is source for RD-33 series 2 for german MIG-29G if newer SMT has series 1?

you are made of pure cope

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cry harder in tornado begging for new fighters in UK tree bro. The copium is over 9000 for this one.

Pretty sure there is a few bug reports.

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But gaijin keeps denying them, while giving 29G newer engines.

deflecting i see you argue over a problem that doesn’t exist

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the RD 33 series2 u can see there was made in the fourth quater of 1987 (start year of the series2)
it was used till 12.05.2004 in an German Mig 29

now cope in a corner

What argument? you just keep talking nonesense and you are calling it an argument now?

If you are incapable of searching for 30 seconds on the internet here are the sources

Mig29 SMT with wrong engines // Gaijin.net // Issues

Mig-29SMT should have RD-33 series 3 engines (DEV SERVER) // Gaijin.net // Issues

Now back to coping in your challengers and tornado

Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense.

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Oh but the SMT does not get the technology produced by themselves? It is german exclusive? I never said remove Series 2 from germany, just that SMT should get newer variant as in IRL. I swear to god the amount of russophobia and erika listening in this forum is beyond what should be possible.

Then the whole way u handle this thread is wrong.

also no Russophobia we are not scared of russia we are disgusted by its behavior

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Now cope in a corner yourself,

МиГ-29СМТ | это… Что такое МиГ-29СМТ? (academic.ru)

Источник: Многоцелевой истребитель МиГ-29СМТ (СССР) | Dogswar.ru - Стрелковое оружие, военная техника, вооружённые силы мира © dogswar.ru

Климов РД-33 (alphapedia.ru)

Климов РД-33 - Klimov RD-33 - dev.abcdef.wiki

Климов РД-33 (iiwiki.ru)

MiG-29 SMT Fulcrum Multirole Fighter Aircraft | Thai Military and Asian Region (wordpress.com)