Why does Germany, Sweden, or Russia one just steam roll every Top tier match i get into?

When the Two should be exact Rivals, The Challenger 2s were built with the EXPRESS purpose of being hull down monsters able to knock out anything.

Now they can’t even go hull down because all the spots have been removed from maps, and even if they could the damage model is so screwed you can pen the thing’s turret cheeks with DM13.

And its not like Gaijin will EVER give the British the Canadian Leopard 2s to try and balance things out, because god forbid the British get a Leopard 2 despite nearly every other tree having one now.

Hell the Italians of all Tree’s now have the Best Leopard 2 in the game.

Yes you are, and its been happening for years.

Sweden is not a Major.

I am not going to call them one, purely because they’ve got a good top tier.

Their playerbase isn’t even comparable in size to the actual Majors.


Calling their tanks to be OP in the current state of the game is ludicrous.

Ammunition not exploding is a bug affecting not just Russia. Consider calming down a bit.


Ah yes, the Bug they left conveniently unpatched since the addition of the T-64 like 5 years ago.

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Five years or not, it’s still a bug affecting other nations as well. So in a way every nation gets biased ammunition that doesn’t explode.

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Yeah. Sweden top tier ground is insane, but beyond that, they are one of the more neglected trees. Especially in air



Agreed. I’d even throw Heli’s into that too.

AHS is the worst ‘end of line’ Apache of anyone, and that’s particularly damming when even the best Apache’s ain’t much cop in WT.

Shame their ammo is in hull, they’d be much better otherwise, especially BN.

Oh so you are stupid.

Good to know, the Challengers/Cheiftains are built to be hull down.

Thus the ammo is in the hull to keep it out of reach of any damage.

Gaijin just has removed any kind of Hull down sniper spots from the game.

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Calm down, no need to be combative, buddy.

You can still go hull down and snipe.

Where? What maps? effectively?

In actual sight lines that allow you to do anything than be useless to your team? Or aren’t occluded by a Thousand Tree’s, or buildings. Or in Area’s that aren’t just in the open to everyone that isn’t directly infront of you? Or are only 200m away from the front line where if one tank dies you aren’t even able to snipe because you get flanked into oblivion?

OR even more importantly, aren’t horridly modeled positions that FORCE you to show your lower plate to shoot at anything because the Only Hill setting the Map designers know is level 10 in Roller Coaster Tycoon.

EDIT: Sniping is dead mate, even the Mods and dev’s don’t want us doing it.

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That statement was one of the most ignorant things I’ve seen from any “official” figure in any game I’ve played, ever. That guy got blasted in the comments.

As for sniping, many maps will still have routes that you can use to snipe from while keeping your hull down, Mozdok is a nice example.

You can easily come here early game and counter-snipe people on C that are more-or-less pinning your spawn down, all the while watching for any aggressive plays on your side of B cap, usually giving you extremely free OHKs on T-tanks.

You can move up using a ridge line below that small road to the right. After you’ve transitioned here you’ll have better sight of C and any snipers remaining there, while getting better sights into enemy routes to B.

If you want to be more aggressive you can push further. If you come here successfully you’ll have C under lockdown, with plenty of routes to B being cut off as well. If you’re feeling extra you can spawn camp them while being hull down. At this point all enemy CAS will be looking for you, so you’ll surely get smacked right in the forehead by something eventually.

This is a pretty risky spot if your team gets curb stomped at B, so I won’t usually move up here if I see my team isn’t even close to pressuring B.

Wow one map out of like 40 total ground maps in the game, and A map that is barely ever even available at top tier at that.

Every single russian MBT at high tier requires more accurate shots than their NATO counterparts.
If you think about it, it’s the same thing as the time-to-kill concept in FPS. In war thunder, the first pen usually wins and getting that pen requires a lot longer if you’re shooting at a russian tank (TTK equivalent), with the exception of the 2A7 and 122 of course. And don’t get me started on bushed up russian kitties

That alone is enough to give them a decisive advantage, but it wasn’t enough of a crutch so they also add Vikhrs with dual fuze, overpowered IRCM, Pantsir, Kh38, autoloaders that eat rounds, ERA that overperforms… List goes on and on


Yeah. Not saying they arent OP. But they arent the top MBT at the moment. Also they dont seem to soak shell after shell quite as often as they use to.

But the small maps designed for assault tanks. Definetly favours their playstyle. Interesting how hull down maps keep getting deleted

The rest of their line-up though is insane. Su-34 should NEVER have been added with KH-38s (At least the IR guided ones)


More mobile, more ammunition choices (including HE to easily cripple/kill any hull down tank), buffed depression, still able to aim down in the rear arc, can lose a crew member without the reload rate doubling, smaller silhouette, smaller weak spots, protected breech (T90M), covered in clown-tier ERA, overperforming stabilizer…

I don’t care how much better the 2A7 is than the 2A6, it’s still inferior to the BVM and T90M. Russian players only disagree because they’ve never had to aim for weakspots before


That is why the Challengers keep getting shafted, they are the ONE tank that can go toe to toe with a Russian tank, So Gaijin just keeps nerfing them to make sure they are easy kills for their oh So precious Russian Whales.


Same with my Leclercs and Arietes. If these devs weren’t biased, then tanks that have subpar armor should have either a lower BR or a better dart that can lolpen things like T80s, like the Ariete used to have before it got power crept into oblivion. But they’ve gone mask off recently.