Why does Germany, Sweden, or Russia one just steam roll every Top tier match i get into?

I mean too bad US, Israeli, British French and Italian (excluding the 2A7HU) vehicles at top tier are just bad at pushing/contesting objectives compared to the 2A7s/122s.

They are all just so easy to kill lol.


You aren’t just bulldozing into objectives with any tank at top tier, you’ll get obliterated no matter what you are in. Top tier matches usually just a camp fest with each team just trying to hold onto at least 1 obj to stop ticket bleed then bleeding out players rather than playing objectives. When you have the numbers advantage that’s when you go cap again.

When americans just go camp enemy air spawn in their planes they are actually helping the other team by making sure that they dont have dipshits doing the same thing and force them back into a tank so they can actually do something.

The problem with CAS at top tier is you spawn so close to the battle you can basically sling all your missles within 20-30 seconds of spawning then you have to make a choice to play subpar CAP, land and rearm, or J out. Enemy CAP can’t really even do anything before it is too late.

They need to move the spawns back like 25km at least.

Matchmaker is hardcoded to put Germany Russia and Sweden on the same team more often, probably because Russian players have never had to aim for weakspots before the 2A7 was added to the game.
Devs are essentially using minor nations and the US as fodder for their PvE “russia wins” fantasy world.

They’ve gone mask off at this point, and playing against Russia in GRB doesn’t feel any different than facing aimbotters in counter strike.


I don’t think MM is hardcoded to do that.

Often it’s because competitive players will make squads that feature combinations of RU/GER/SWE, specifically because they’re the strongest, to give themselves the highest chance of winning.

Winrate obsession is a real thing for some lol.

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The average wait time for a GER+RU+SWE squad is dramatically lower than a US+GER or US+RU for example. If what you were saying was true then it would be the other way around.

I believe the matchmaker tries to avoid putting the ‘Big 3’ (GER/RU/US) on the same team. It’s fine with any combination of those two being together, but it definitely tries to avoid all three. Because these three countries hold the bulk of the playerbase.

Ignoring Sweden for a moment, because despite their cracked lineup, they still are after all just one of the seven small nations.

What is likely happening is, there are more people creating squads which are RU+GER than there are squads which are US+RU or US+GER, and because of that, RU and GER find themselves together most of the time, because matchmaker prioritizes getting the most amount of compatible players into battles together as quick as possible.

You said it yourself, US+GER / US+RU takes a long time. Whereas RU+GER does not. That’s just because US top tier teams are atrocious, and no RU or GER player who values their time and happiness would deliberately squad up with US. These people get into games quickly with other likeminded individuals (often bringing SWE along with them), and the people making US+RU / US+GER squads end up sat in the queue for an eternity.

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I mean it’s pretty easy to do with a 2A7/122.

I play a lot more careless in my 2A7s and they still surpass all my other top tier tanks stats wise.

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Everytime i am on US team, like half of them are Clickbait / AIM players who one death leave, and the rest tend to be CAS addicts who donate all their hard earned SP to the nearest Pantsir.

Very few of them are interested in going multiple spawns deep in the ground battle, so the inevitable result is those few who do, get pushed back to the spawn by overwhelming numbers and it’s GG.

Abrams is no doubt worse than 2A7 / BVM, but it’s not nearly as bad as the catastrophic winrates would suggest. US teams just self sabotage and capitulate the instant they’re put on the back foot. It’s deeply frustrating to play alongside them. I cannot imagine how frustrating it is to be one of the few US mains who actually puts in effort to win, having to deal with it literally every game.

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US still has the best cas. A-10 early with AGM65 at br 10.3 this is FNF missile whom soviet will never see until 11.3 so im not sure how this makes soviet has the best cas. Soviet has the best SHORAD, yes their doctrine was built around that.

Tabks with greatest armor, while still having great guns and good/great mobility. Amazing on the offence, its probably that simple. Along with all three having the best AA and 2/3 having great CAS options. Shrimple as that imo.


Part of the winrate thing is also matchmaking and player count related, but that’s way to much to type on my phone during my work break right now.

Btw gotta love how the guys are complaining about matchmaking when they dont consider servers.

A lot usa nation players propably play on us servers.
Meaning less german and russian resulting in them being put into one team

It’s also a thing that US is often the majority of a team, while minor nations like Israel or Britain will sometimes be on mixed teams.

So of course Britain and Israel will have slightly better winrates. Although you can clearly see the difference between minor nations that get matched with US mostly vs minor nations that get matched with Germany/Sweden mostly.

its not hard tho if you loost all chlanger 2´s in first few seconds after enemy contact because they are a faild design.

Calling Sweden a Small nation when it has stronger everything than a Tree like the British, is just stupid.

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Tell that to Russia and their SU’s.

I got killed 3 damn times by the same plane with missiles in a match earlier.

Yeah, the Su-34 is broken OP. was in a match yesterday thankfully teamed with the soviets. But 2x Su-34 just controlled the entire map. They both had double digit kills and there was nothing the other team could do.

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Eh… Their are MBTs arent quite as oppresive these days, but maps are definetly deisgned for them to succeed.

But yeah. There is a gaping chasm between the CR2s and T-80s