Why does Gaijin Hate Italy (can we get this not to be closed?)

Why does Gaijin hate italy so much!?
literally every game i do with it at like 6.7 i get the most DUMB teammates ever,
and the funny part that 70% of the time they arent even german (shocking ik)
Also the BR’s are pretty wrong, how do you play a paper armor + weak cannon with 200m of dispersion at 6.7?
Gaijin needs to buff italy in a really easy way. add more TANKS not IFV or light ones. we NEED TANKS.
there could be some early centauro or more OF-40s or even whatever you want, we just need TANKS

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Hate soo much. Pff, now we have another contingent - italy suffers

What tanks would you add at these brs?

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Cold War Italian Prototypes Archives - Tank Encyclopedia.
the M42 and Leone should be good

that shit scared the shit outta me

the “leone” was a Leopard 1 prototype

Also add tech trees M48 and M60s that way it could be more balanced.

You say this like it’s a fact. IDK, do they? Nobody told me.

That’s just how teammates are, no matter the nation.

Such as? If you’re gonna make statements like this, then provide examples.

Which vehicle and at what distance? Would it kill you to be specific…

They did so when they added Hungary subtree, and also in the latest major update when Italy got arguably the best MBT in-game, Leopard 2A7HU.

Italy gets the most love of any minor nation, maybe with the exception of Sweden.

You failed to provide a single example of “hate” toward Italy.

M42 wasn’t completed (and it’s a spaag) and Leone is closer to OF-40, should be similar br.
For 6.7 in terms of tanks I can only think of Hungarian IS-2.
The closest Italian tank (used by Italy) would be conventional M47, though it’s still 7.3.
Btw there is my theoretical TT (it doesn’t include IS-2 though XD):


Which ones?

Leone is a prototype of OF-40, it’s based on Leopard.

Im talking in the 5.0 to 7.7 area. hungary there has the 2S1 and the BTR-80 that are not so good at the end.
italy there has the Sherman VC that at 6.7 is useless, like the M18.

the AUBL and FIAT are pretty good flankers but the AUBL/74 at 6.0 suffers. it got paper armor and a pretty weak cannon at mid-range to long-range, it works only at close distance where american .50 cals and everyother machinegun literally one shots the poor little AUBL.

the FIAT 6614 is pretty good, is fast and mobile, with a good cannon so it can be left there.

im asking to add more tanks to that IV-V rank in italy. like the M48, and M60s

also thinking that much games are a 7.3 uptier.

Italy didn’t use M48s, M60s maybe. M60A1 is already in the premium section, but they can c&p one into the regular TT + there were leased M60A1 Rise, used in Somali iirc + Leonardo M60A3 upgrade.

yea, like that, i agree

Please do not transfer your projections onto us. We do not feel hatred towards any nation. Our forum is not the place to write such nonsense.