Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

If a player is better than me, he can destroy me in „weaker” vechicle.

Well I guess I was wrong. Seems you can’t grasp it.


Sorry but You are the one who tries to push the idea that there is no point in just learning the game and getting better (when it comes to playing tanks).

On the ground, it is always who is better that wins (not talking about game bugs)


The employee of the month goes to…


Say you play against someone 100 times in equal vehicles and he beats you 90% of the time. If I then give you a better tank than him, do you think that 90% win rate is going to increase, decrease, or stay the same?

I’m not sure how to explain it in more simple terms than that, so this time try to spend some time thinking before you reply if you don’t get it straight away.

I did answer.
If the pantsir was underperforming it would be moved down in BR, unless you think GJN, the company infamous for RussianBias™, would keep it at an artificially high BR? Seems likely.
I said there are no reliable stats for a reasonable player population, because I’ve heard thunderskill doesn’t always track certain vehicle types properly, but I haven’t checked personally in a long time. If you still don’t get it, refer to my comment above.

A 30s glance at my comment history would show you how silly that comment is.

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I did answer.
If the pantsir was underperforming it would be moved down in BR, unless you think GJN, the company infamous for RussianBias™, would keep it at an artificially high BR? Seems likely.
I said there are no reliable stats for a reasonable player population, is because I’ve heard thunderskill doesn’t always track certain vehicle types properly, but I haven’t checked personally in a long time.

But you clearly say here that the pantsir has a much easier time killing air vehicles than air vehicles the pantsir and then state that ULQ_Lover is wrong because the stats disagree with him.

I am still waiting for you to post your source for these statistics as you are still being stubborn and not providing them.

Am I to believe the source was your ass? I do not consider that a reliable source.

From my own experience using both top tier CAS and using the Pantsir, in my opinion the Pantsir is way easier to get kills with. What’s your experience in the Pantsir?

Why are you being more dense than usual? I explained that if the Pantsir was doing worse statistically, GJN would have lowered it’s BR. Unless you’re saying you don’t believe GJN is using the stats to balance properly, which would be one of the first sensible opinions I’ve seen from you.

All depends how good is a player.

If he is skilled he will be able to kill me No matter the vechicles.

I literally told you how good in the example. I said that if you were in equal tanks, he would win 9 times out of 10.

I don’t understand how you’re struggling with this.

From my own experience using both top tier CAS and using the Pantsir, in my opinion the Pantsir is way easier to get kills with.

Unfortunately your extremely anecdotal experience in the Pantsir of four total games where you managed an incredible 2 deaths to 2 kills for a perfect 1K/D do not help your portrayal of the Pantsir as this overpowered deathwagon. It’s frankly embarrassing that you would even attempt to pull this weak play.

Are these the statistics that you’re trying to cite? So we can confirm that the Pantsir is remarkably mediocre then with your stats if that is the case. Would still be anecdotal if I’m being extremely generous.

Why are you being more dense than usual? I explained that if the Pantsir was doing worse statistically, GJN would have lowered it’s BR. Unless you’re saying you don’t believe GJN is using the stats to balance properly, which would be one of the first sensible opinions I’ve seen from you.

No you clearly said that the pantsir is stronger against air than air against the pantsir and then said that ULQ_Lover is wrong because the stats disagreed with him. Your literal words I even posted the picture and highlighted it all for you. You are the one being obtuse and not providing these alleged stats.

Considering I have now given you four attempts to provide these alleged stats that prove ULQ_Lover wrong and you have not done so any of the times and have instead tried to red herring your way out of doing so, I am forced to come to the conclusion you just made it up and don’t have them.

Your concession is accepted.

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Sorry but You still can’t grasp that if player is good enough he will be able to win No matter the B.R./vechicle difference.

If You are struggling dealing with enemies You just need to get better.

I don’t think you understand what counterplay means.

Take an AH-64A versing an ItO90M for example:
Both systems can detect and engage each other almost instantly, which means that the outcome of the engagement is almost always up to the players not the vehicles.

If the Apache plays it bad and just hovers while lasing the ItO its going to get shot down every time.

Because of this, the Apache can instead rub 2 braincells together and launch hellfires through IOG first, then lase the target as its hellfires approach impact. Now, the ItO has to adapt.

The ItO can then choose to move into cover after it detects a hellfire launch or it can anticipate when the apache is going to come up to lase, and launch a missile accordingly. Now its up to the apache to adapt.

As you can see this tug of war style of gameplay is what makes CAS (or just any competitive video game in general) fun and engaging. If CAS is overpowered then the game is not fun as counterplay does not exist, same goes for the inverse where SPAA rules the skies.

This is also why “using a tank and doing well in it” is not counterplay (Hence “Counter” play, the ability to minimize your own weaknesses and bolster what you already do well).


As opposed to your whooping zero experience.

But that wasn’t the example I gave. Try reading it again.

There is a lot neither of them understand.

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The discussion is about ground

As opposed to your whooping zero experience.

I’m not the one bringing up alleged statistics and refusing to provide them (because they don’t exist and were pulled out of your ass).

Good attempt at another red herring though, but I’ve already accepted your concession since you won’t and can’t provide these asspull statistics that you’re trying to use to backup your claims and discredit ULQ_Lover.

Very glad to see the Pantsir is performingly absolutely average though based on your 2 deaths and 2 kills in it.

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I have already given answear.

If player is good enough nothing will change

You’re behaving like a petulant child.

So to clarify:
You believe that when in 100 matches one player wins 90% of the time in equal tanks, that giving the other player better vehicles won’t change the 90% win rate?

I don’t think that’s how it works.

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If we are going by that logic, this discussion is actually supposed to be a meta discussion about how CAS players vocally oppose suggestions (See image below for proof). I unfortunately don’t seem to see that here, instead I see a bunch of people arguing while not listening to each other.


Screenshot 2024-03-12 112105

Thankfully we don’t go by that logic as this topic is tangentially (not directly) related to the main topic. As I see it it exists as an issue that needs to be hashed out.

Not to mention, how is this a rebuttal to what I posted??


You’re behaving like a petulant child.

Ad hominem!

In fact it’s quite the opposite, you’re the one who brought up imaginary statistics in an attempt to support your own poorly founded argument and discredit ULQ_Lover, then when you’re called out on it you just attempt to scurry away and obfuscate.

Why? Well simply because you won’t and can’t admit to just making it up because you think you are very clever.

Feel free to surprise me with these statistics at any point and substantiate your claims. We both know that is never going to happen though.

If he is good enough then Yes. If something changes ge just needs to get better