Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Oh stop it…

There’s no point in trying to point out any alternative to the TO mode proposers because they don’t want to have any discussion, it’s just an incessant demand to let them have thier way, whilst they gatekeep the thread and make sure that anyone who opposes them is shouted down en mass…

It’s like you don’t understand what a damn forum is for.

Ah, so exactly what I said:

If you want to WIN a match instead of sitting almost out of bounds and getting 2 kills, you have to get stuck in. Doing that means you’ll likely be marked on the map, the killfeed will give them an idea where to look, and any attempt to capture a point to get a ticket advantage will ensure they know EXACTLY where you are.

Not doing any of these things loses you games. Doing these things gets you bombed.


Doing these things recklessly ignoring the airborne threat, is what gets you got…

That’s where you’ve gone wrong.

= playing the game


Oooh poor guys just trying to play the game being disrupted by the air threat, must be time to hand them a hand-held mode for them to cope… /s…

see: Pangolin_Fan’s posts complaining about easily dodgeable 10G SAMs disrupting said air threat

Nothing to do with this point that’s been made… Stop producing whataboutisms to avoid the true point.

As if you can do anything about it when you are in a tank?? what are you gonna do when there is loser in planes flying around? sit somewhere and grab a cup of coffee and wait until planes suddenly disappear or run out of fuel after 15 minutes? bro your name is a doctor but you definitely doesn’t sounds like one lol


You can actually, be aware of the threat and actually think…

‘loser’, they definitely aren’t losing with this threads participants…

Your absurdium makes it clear you can’t hold a discussion.

Cool story but my name is just a moniker, it’s nothing to do with the price of your respawn.

It’s all part of the game, and I really feel you can’t handle the game… Especially when you have to label those who get you out of spite and hatred.

Dude is using smoke and apcr shells in M18 for „team spotting” to later spawn in air.

He won’t understand what people really playing ground are talking about so he will just keep talking nonsense about „being aware” while his own records proves him wrong in many cases.

I tried with discussion and provided many examples and in-game evidence showing how things are but it won’t work for someone who doesn’t want to have a real discussion and his point can be sumed up to:

„They can’t have it because I don’t want them to have it!”


My usage of shells and tactics goes a long way when I’m not the one complaining about dying to players, and being all cut up enough to be abusive to those who get me because I accept it as part of the damn game.

If you were discussing anything, you’d actually accept this as my stance, but alas, as per usual, you want to make trouble.

Sounds like you guys are projecting because planes is what you don’t want others to have.

We’re not bad people for objecting to your bad solutions.

Sounds like You are projecting as no one is asking for anything to be removed from the game but rather added.

I know that You don’t want others to have fun in game but You should at least understand it after discussing the topic for so long.

Yet You are the one giving people advices that Your own in game profile tells to be false

I have already told You that I don’t really care about how You feel about the game but rather how things are thus providing in-game examples is the only way to have a proper discussion.

If I wanted to talk about how You feel, I would do that in PMs


No… You don’t know jack.

This statshaming to shout down, needs to stop.

It proves when people are lying about things especially when they don’t want to bring any evidence.


Then I don’t care how YOU feel about the game…

Where does that get us? No-where…

You don’t know how discussion works if this is your stance, ESPECIALLY if you’re goiong to ignore the points made for the sake of merely repeating over and over how bad someones stats are because you can’t accept thier points…

And You don’t have to as it was never my point to begin with.

That is why I provide examples and in game evidence to show how things really are.

I don’t ignore points that are backed up with something.


Thinking doesn’t stop a bomb

After I bring my own aircraft they will lose - unless of course they partake in their new favorite hobby and just crash into the ground to deny a kill.

And with one simple change it won’t be :)


Wonderful you do this nonsense again…

This shows how pathetic you guys are at having ANY conversation…

Thinking stops you being the target of that bomb because the poor sod who is seen first is likely to be the target of that bomb.

You don’t have to be the fastest, just faster than another.

You can dream all you like, but some of those in here have been hoping for over 5 years…

Especially that people attack players who have killed them mostly.

Thanks for the advice that makes me unable to normally play ground battles. Next time we will hear about transforming my tank into SPAA that mostly can’t do much about the plane.