Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Because CAS mains like free kills.

Maybe not free, but pretty easy. Also, Gaijin created a huge problem when they started selling CAS focused premiums that have no place in Air RB. Something needs adjusted though. If the community had the guts, we could just boycott ground for a week to make a point. Will not happen…but would dry up the supply for the demand.

I do not blame the CAS players, well sometimes I do, but I do blame Gaijin for not thinking through the game elements they add and how they impact existing ones. Adding a mode that focuses on strike missions might help. Adding better SPAAs will help a little. The real change would be to devalue ground kills for CAS in ground RB to a point where it is not more attractive to fly an aircraft for kill farming as opposed to fighting it out on the ground on a level playing field.

Air RB is not exactly well balanced with BR compression, but if I play well I always feel like I have a chance. Even if I am in a plane without ARH missiles fighting those with them, I can still maneuver and compete. In my tank in ground RB, I have no chance vs SU-34s, Typhoons, Rafales, even KA-52. Cannot reach them, cannot hurt them. The one or two SPAAs we do have quickly die. CAS player: “spawn a SPAA or a jet.” My answer: “I ground all these tanks out through a long slug to play them and have a chance to win playing my tank in ground RB…not a plane (I do that in air RB) and not a SPAA honestly…a tank.”

The overwhelming nature of CAS is getting smothering, so I either leave WT for a bit or forever or I just go back to air I guess. I will miss my tanks, but the frustration of being helpless to compete in my tank is too much sadly.


Increase rewards while also massively increasing the amount of SP needed instead.

They should be high risk high reward.


I think they should just full send the capabilities of each side. S-400 and Patriots, vs lore accurate strike eagles, Typhoons, and Rafales

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Absolutely expand on the missile systems. It’ll be awesome.

Well, a lore accurate strike eagle would be running JSOW (tested), JASSM-ER’s, and GBU-53’s. A peak typhoon would have storm shadows, and brimstone 2/3 with MMW. So both side would have increased capabilities

Talking more of the S-400 and the Patriot… :)

Get your mind out of the clouds!

You forgot the Tiger UHT and anything with fnf capabilities but yes I agree.

CAS should be apart of the game for sure, but shouldn’t be this dominant

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You forgot to add CAS as main instead playing tanks in GRB.

I think two changes would be enough.

A maximum number of jets/helis that can be in the air at the same time. If the space is occupied, you have to wait or spawn another tank.

A significant increase in the SP cost of particularly powerful jet/heli armaments.

The developers have the data for this.


I agree. I tried making a thread discussing how people not knowing how to play AA contributes to the issue, and I had multiple people coming in and ignoring my post; claiming that I am “trying to lecture them” as a CAS player.

My OP in question: The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot!

  1. Case 1 and 3: The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot! - #18 by Perinvisus & The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot! - #22 by Perinvisus
  2. Case 2: The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot! - #21 by БЕИ

I touched on the issue in my reply to these two fools: The ground battle CAS issue, and how people not knowing how to play SPAA adds onto it, by a lot! - #71 by Busheedoh
But the TLDR is that people on both sides do not know how to behave. Instead of actually coming together, and looking at what really is causing the issue (Gaijin) – this community would rather argue about who is to blame. I made a longer post about this in general on a stupid thread about War Thunder dying. War Thunder is Going to die in 2-4 Years - #336 by Busheedoh

People just can’t sit down and speak to each other like we are humans, no, we have to always argue. To point fingers!

“No, it’s not my fault I died in my (insert vehicle type here), there’s definetely nothing I could’ve done! It’s not my fault I ignored the LWS warning on my screen for a minute straight, knowing fully well that’s probably coming from a aircraft, helicopter or drone; nuh uh! Not my fault! It’s the CAS player’s fault for playing a plane in the game about multi-vehicle combat! I have no reason to look back and reflect on my own actions in that match, how I could have taken cover, popped smoke, or done anything to play against the munition launched at me from a stand off distance!”

Yes, I am being hyperbolar, and I don’t care. Fact is, it feels like the emotional arguments come always from the ground side of the debate. And before you jump at me, I think CAS should have it’s SP cost doubled, hell, tripled! Gaijin should add better AA for other nations, remodel how missiles function (making them actual SARH missiles, not SACLOS) – make maps bigger, add AI AA to prevent early game CAS from dominating the match; there’s so many damn options; yet they refuse to listen. If you’re angry, direct it at Gaijin. Not at your fellow players. They are the ones who do this. Not them.

But also understand you have tools to counter CAS as it is in-game currently. You aren’t helpless. But if all you do is weep and cry about how it’s so unfair, then you might as well uninstall and leave a bad review on the game. Because you clearly aren’t having fun, and you refuse to learn to become better with the cards you are given, as limited as they may be.

That’s all. Good post, @Morvran.


Absolutely this. The ‘’‘discussion’‘’ that many were dictating to others, and the abuse that followed when they couldn’t actually accept anothers point, rather shouting them down and making out that they’re absurd and all the nonsense that went with it, dragged the discussion out to mere squabling.

It’s almost like they wanted to keep the complaint going so they could further propogate thier ‘‘suggestion’’, and attack anyone who dared have an opposing argument.

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The Su-34 is already 1034 sp to spawn with KH-38s bro, that’s a little under half way to a nuke

You don’t seem to know anything about light tanks and their spotting mechanics. Bro…


Yeah, what light tank will you achieve enough kills / spots to get in a Su-34 while living ?

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@ULQ_LOVER it’s cute you follow me into every post, then like all the people whom disagree with me lol. Almost like your stalking again…

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I belive You are really misinformed as when You look at this topic You can see who was first and who is following who ;)

But it is quite cute You belive in what You do.

Edit: Reality is always the one that hurts the most.

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Whilst I disagree with ULQ vehemently on the regular, I also liked the post that disagreed with you, but it genuinely is because a light tank can considerably lower the SP cost of an air vehicle, and use artillery to make decent damage enough to gain SP, along with being able to take out more lightly armored vehicles such as SPAA and errant milktrucks.

They’re not as helpless, or hopeless, as you may think them to be.

Whilst I haven’t scored a nuke off a light tank, the basis is there for it to be a thing (No doubt someone has likely done it). I’ve ended up with planes being ~200 SP from being 580+ in the first place. Commonly too is the inter-role SP cost not doubling on the other.

Spawn that light tank, get your SP cost down as far as you can, then spawn a fighter, clear out random junk, then spawn the other role with the SP you gained.

The risk though is that you die early in your light, or don’t get a good return on the second spawn (The first fighter) to spawn the second air vehicle. This I see on the regular with people who rush with a light to cap, or flank, get taken out, then leave the match.

It’s all about knowing when that scout action is going to come up again, or where there’s a bunch of unseen vehicles making advances to scout them without others pinching your scouts.

1000 SP is just a few caps and a few kills

If you survive. T90M, T-80BVM, bmp-2M, 2s38, etc aren’t very survivable