Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

It is a fairly easy way to do well in a vehicle that under performs or when you have not been having a good game in tanks alone.
There will never be a tank only mode as Gaijins vision is for combined arms but only for ground and naval, I have yet to spawn in a tank or vessel in a air match to date, plus the plane aspect shortens the game as sub ten minutes games are what the company desires to recycle players into the queues.
Reducing queue times comes at a cost, normally to player enjoyment and engagement a price Gaijin is more than willing to pay.

If you can’t kill a plane you or your team have issues.

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Mask off troll moment

And that’s the point. It’s disproportionately effective.
And of course it’s not cheating - hence “legal cheat”. You are destroying TANKS in a TANK BATTLE mode from above.

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Nice to know you have no original thoughts…

And you know full well why CAS is used as much as possible - because it’s an easier way to get kills.
It’s an easier way because most spaa are at a disadvantage. The planes are not spotted as they should be and they don’t make nearly enough noise. “Realistic” - that’s laughable.


That’s a very big part of the point, but the ignorance to the counters and suggestions to actually think differently than just assuming you will die and nothing can be done other than complain on the forum to get the game changed have a greater part to play.

People refuse to even bring SPAA in thier lineups, and get abusive to the enemy who got them, further letting the enemy know they’re not going to have much trouble from the team.

I guess he could’ve just spawn in an AA, ignoring his tanks whatsoever.



Again, you are not the only person on your team, there’s another 15 people available to perform a role and a well balanced team will have more success than a spam of the latest and greatest vehicle when everyone complains about that situation.

You aren’t the only one on your team, you aren’t helpless, no matter how much you proclaim you can flail your arms about.

Well done on showing that the only thing you can do is revenge bomb… hurr durr…

Game gives me 15 random people and they can do whatever they like. It sucks seeing TAM being helpless against the 1.3 BR flying menace, but that’s how the game has been set up.
I guess it’s his fault for not dodging or trying to run, or spawning AA first instead of TAM, he absolutely paid the price for his unwise decisions.
Imagine playing tanks in GRB, right ?

He was helpless there.
His “team” betrayed him and he could do nothing about it.

Poor fellow have ODL’d after getting shamefully defecated on by 60kg bombs.
He got to a really nice spot early on, having fun shooting at enemies and reaping rightful rewards. Sadly, his fun got interrupted by something he had zero (0) chances of countering from the get go, but that’s life in WT where crutches are the most powerful assets on the battlefield.


It’s fine, most of the recent CAS responders are just people who enjoy trolling the people who want to play tanks in a ground battle. Not worth replying to since they try to look past the merit of kindness to people who que up in ground for ground. Never mind asking them to also try and get it split up so they also play against like minded people who want combined arms.


Which is why he died to a naval torpedo bomber from almost reserve tier. Because he totally wasn’t helpless.


The „team” argument is always amusing.

We have „don’t play tanks” and „rely on Your team” advices for people wanting to play tanks.


Yeah it’s honestly hilarious, especially the “team” argument.
On that basis you could remove all BRs, play WW2 vehicles and after getting killed by a top tier tank, you could defend it by saying: “Your team could’ve spawned top tier vehicles themselves to counter that if they wanted, it’s on them and you”.

WT was never a true team game, nor will ever be.


This and they make it to seem it’s such a big deal to die in a game where you have multiple respawns.

You bet his kind wouldn’t play ground battles if they could not jump in a plane to shoot fish in a barrel.


This guy in skink have spawned after I have killed him and was shooting at me from the start, the only thing that he accomplished was to get himself known by my team tanks and later killed by me when he was trying to hide from them.

SpAwN sPaA bRo or ReLy On YoUr TeAmMaTeS bRo


I wouldn’t mind CAS if it were a bit better thought out, I don’t get how a person who gets one assist should be able to get a fully loaded A2D with 1000kg bombs and missiles. they’ve done nothing up to that point. maybe adding timer where you can’t jump into a plane until 10 mins have passed in game or something

Also I think SPAA should get more benefits for shooting down aircraft because if a player spends 500sp to get in a plane why am I only get 70 for shooting it down, people don’t bother taking AA because it’s not worth it in the score board.

I’ve had matches where I shot down 8+ aircraft in a GRB match and I was 7th on the team, but 4 tank kills got another player 3rd. Make it make sense please

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Think part of what contributes to this is BR differences.

You can take a undertiered aircraft and be very effective at CAS all the same. It’s realistic too - people used propeller aircraft in korean war to do CAS!

According to this report, there shouldn't be any disparities,

Report on how scores, SL, and RP rewards are calculated

But if we consider the whole BR correction thing...


Now, the report is from jan 14 before the “Severe Damage” mechanic was introduced.

The Severe Damage mechanic makes plane kill tracking a bit of a mess, since …

People who don’t play air, and even those who play air expect score and everything to be given for full kills. They also expect that if you kill sth, you’re getting full score.

This is NOT the case. If you damage ALL engines OR cut off more than half a wing OR damage the horizontal stabilizer to black OR damage ALL flight control surfaces… you get 80% reward and score of a full kill UNTIL the aircraft crashes and you get the full 100% credit.

However, if the plane was ALREADY damaged as described above and you shoot the pilot or severe the tail, you will ONLY get 20% of the reward despite getting a kill.

To make it even better: Fully damaging someone’s horizontal stabilizer (something that I found inconsequential for survival (it did impact turn radius) even while flying full-real controls in paper mache aircraft) was damaged by someone else and you see a plane flying completely unbothered, then you cut the wing off (but arbitrarily it’s somehow less than 50%)… you’re not getting the kill. You’re… GETTING AN ASSIST.

This creates a massive mess when it comes to scoring.

However, for full kills the above table IS true:

Here, look at an 5.3 Bosvark’s kills against uptier aircraft (no BR correction)

Hits (we're expecting each hit to be worth 20 points.


Our expectation is confirmed.

Full kills: We expect each to be worth 200 points


Wtf gaijin, you stole my re-


Severe damage


There’s our expected 200 points for a kill on the sk60b!


Aircraft and tank kills are worth the same sl/RP/score.

PB4Y-2 is 4.7. Bosvark is 5.3 This means 200 * 0.94 = 188 pts Given it’s less than a 0.7 BR step, this is within approximate error.


  1. Severe damage mechanic is unintuitive and has some broken assumptions (horizontal stabilizers shouldn’t be severe damage. Wings are often less than “50%” despite cutting off a significant portion that makes it uncontrollable). It makes people look in the wrong place
  2. CAS can perform well even in a heavy uptier leading to BR correction for your SPAA vs Airplane kills
  3. What happens if someone dies without critical or severe damage is weird. My observations so far was that it does reward full score (start with 2 kills, 900 score. Hit BF109 in wing causing him to lose control and crash without getting a crit or a severe damage tick. We confirm no crit by score staying 900. BF109 crashes, score is 1350 and 3 kills - indicating that hit and crash is worth the full score for ASB at least without needing a severe damage step first.
  4. Tanks tend to require multiple critical hits to die unless you’re using sth that can overpressure, hit the right spot and whatnot. This might just be my british main cope though, but it does mean 1 tank kill will be like… 200 kill + 2x 20 ptshit + 2x 60 pt crit. Wheareas for aircraft, usually 1 severe/crit is enough to kill so 360 for 1 tank kill vs 280 for 1 plane kill.
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10+ kills in a row in your Yak??

Nah… CAS is NOT overpowered. AT ALL.



Adding yet another handhold for CAS before AAs got any buffs is just adding fuel to already raging fire.