If they are there and if they will engage him. Let us go to the original post… ah yeas totally different B.R. with different armament.
In world when he knows what he is doing. Again, the original comment was talking about totally different B.R. setting (as this is what I was originally discussing).
So let us go with the '‘team’ argument.
What is the point of balancing ground units if we can awalys say that “teammates” can take care of it? Why Your vehicle should be balanced against it if there always can be a teammate that is going to destroy it via his vehicle or an air unit?
I think you and I have a different understanding of balance, and also about life.
I accept that there is disparity between vehicle performance;
I accept that planes can dominate tanks with impunity;
I accept that SPAA has only limited effect on aircraft, especially given that most players don’t use it effectively.
I still think that war thunder is balanced. The reason I think that war thunder is balanced is that I consider the outcome of all my battles over the days and weeks to be fair. I don’t look for balance when a plane drops a 100kg - 5000kg bomb on me. I don’t think to myself ‘I didn’t deserve to die to that plane’ I simply think, If he’s still up when I respawn, I’ll shoot him down and drop some bombs of my own.
Edit* The reason I feel this way is that I’m here to play war thunder. If I’m flying a plane to drop bombs, or shoot down other planes - ‘I’m playing War Thunder’, If I’m driving a tank and getting kills - ‘I’m playing War thunder’. If I die it’s because someone else is ‘playing war thunder’. I’m having fun, I rack up a few kills and a few deaths, and so do the other players.
When I look at the remarks you make, especially the one about the 500kg bomb
“You let that happen and it is because You made a mistake, You can’t say the same about 500kg bomb landing at You ;).”
To me this says, that you think you feel like you deserve a chance to defend yourself or retaliate in every situation in the game, and because you have no means of preventing the plane from bombing you, that the game is therefor unfair. I think this concept of ‘fairness’ is naive and reductive and does not make for a good game. Alternatively this mindset is perfect for duels or tournaments when the objective is to narrowly focus on excellence in a particular skill, I.e. tank on tank combat with no distractions and limited tools, it narrows down the skill and mastery of the tank where the best player wins. I’m very confident in the belief that war thunder in it’s public matches in ground RB allows an excellent environment for player expression which to me is a great feature in all video games. The fact that multiple playstyles can thrive in war thunder is personally what I think makes the game great and fun for such a wide variety of people. So when I see comments or suggestions that limit player expression I see that as a detriment to the game.
We are on game forum talking about game. Lets stay in this.
That is great, some people don’t.
And no one has an issue with this, no one wants to take it away from You. Some just want to enjoy different kind of gameplay and I don’t understand what is the problem with this.
You’re right, it wouldn’t cost me anything. I don’t really have a problem with tank only, I just don’t trust the motives of people asking for it I guess.
I haven’t understood you question very clearly, but this thing seems like a non issue. Unless you think that, let’s say, the balancing decisions around the T-90A should also consider “it” – a plane --, the T-90A isn’t supposed to try to engage it because of the role it performs isn’t AA.
Still there are BR placements of the A-G weapons. So even if the T-90A balacing don’t take account of the planes, the balancing around CAS planes take account which targets it would face based on it’s A-G armament. The Su-25SM3 is basically a Su-25, but it has a thermal imager pod and 4 Kh-38M(T/L), just that puts it at 12.7, facing the top dogs of the air and the strongest AA in all nations every match at GRB.
This is probably a bad analogy but humour me, please.
I think it is fair to say that Chess is a balanced game. I think it’s fair to say that if you compared the capabilities of the Queen and the Pawn, or the Knight and Pawn, the matchup between a Queen and a Pawn is unfair or unbalanced. That’s how I see war thunder, albeit you can only be one piece at a time as opposed to choosing any piece to move. Similarly, checkers is a fair and balanced game where each of the pieces in play are essentially equal in their capabilities. I would argue that both games are good game but out of the two the format of chess allows for greater expression. Your idea of balance to me sounds like turning war thunder into something more akin to checkers, I think that would be horrible.
I’ve already said my piece about not trusting your motivations, but I’ll add to it in that I feel like you’re asking for a different game to be made and developed. I will say this though, when ground battles were first added, It likely divided the player base, but more people came to the game as a whole. As a former world of tanks player, there is definitely an old piece of me that would love to play world of tanks with War Thunders physics and damage model. I can’t argue against the Tank Only mode, and I only hope that if it is added, it is the benefit you are making it out to be and will not instead divide and dissolve the player base.
As a whole I’m working on being less defensive, but I think it’s fair to say that this topic has been a particularly hostile place.
Then play tanks…lol no one is forcing you to fly are they? Though those are some great matches since no one put any effort stopping you from doing CAS.
That’s why M18 gets like double HP/t so it can reach the flanks faster. Panther has worse gun handling as well so it’ll put his gun on a target slower.
I’d be more than glad if aircraft were as counterable as Panthers are from M18.
I’m for equality here.
If GRB could exist in such an environment for years, I don’t know how ARB couldn’t as well.
Yeah, I don’t see a reason why ARB couldn’t be a multi spawn mode.
Aircraft would still be a focal point there, controlling objectives and always being able to spawn first. AAs would be nothing more than “power ups” reward for individuals that performed up to some level in their aircraft.
It would also introduce meaning to lineups and player picks, as people without good lineups (from both military branches) would be less competitive. Just look at my USSR air tree, I skipped researching whole branches as they are not needed to progress and vehicles in question are way outside meta, rendering them pretty weak in the process.
Reworked ARB would make them much more competitive as they’d have much more use cases and would also introduce variety to player picks by having multiple spawn options.
Air spawns exist.
Their hype is pretty justified, as even worse case scenarios will result in a no-contest. Best case scenarios will result in the freest kills that could be observed in WT.
Yes it is as ground ordnance is a part of their kit.
That’s like saying tanks have worse lethality than they really have, just because they have to research and equip more potent rounds.
Was there any in-game poll that would gather true requests of tankers regarding map size ?
Only thing Gaijin could gather are map likes/dislikes, which only implies said map is considered good/bad without any explanation why that might be.
They could still fly perfectly fine.
Let’s not forget smaller maps help with reducing idle time and they make engagements happen faster, which will decrease queue times as people die and leave faster. We all know how much Gaijin likes quick queues.
Making all aircraft types more balanced don’t need player approval, since that’s a given.
Air modes would still have aircraft in their core. As I said multiple times, aircraft would still be the focal point, controlling objectives and being able to spawn first. Also, AAs wouldn’t be mandatory and would be optional picks that only enhance your competitiveness, just like with air in GRB.
Suggesting that optional picks would “hijack” the mode from the mandatory ones is interesting.
With Gaijin doing no changes to ARB while adding more and more vehicles to it has to reach a critical point, sooner or later, where things just stop working outright. Strikers/bombers are literally 2nd class citizens in their own mode for years now, which literally means the mode itself is a giant cesspool of unbalance and needed changes yesterday.
Ground units can only go forwards or backwards, with many of those having crippling reverse speeds so it isn’t that hard to guess where the unit might go/end up. Especially if it wasn’t moving before.
You yourself aren’t in an SPAA, so talking about it is pointless. This is also emphasized by the fact no one is forced to have AA in their lineup before queueing and that teams aren’t forced by the game itself to have AA spawned at any given moment. Counting on your team to have your back in those situations is naive.
Let’s not forget Lvkv 42 is an SPAA with great gun handling and gun elevation capabilities. Most other vehicles would only have the run option, which is why it’s a problem. If your only realistic play from the start was to run away and hide, I think that engagement should never happen in the first place.
That should be the goal of a balanced PvP game. Everything should be able to counter everything realistically, but obviously with some drawbacks like cost/fire rate/accuracy/etc…
It’s definitely not a given, but shooting and hitting them should be pretty realistic and consistent. Spawn protection will keep you safe for some time so you can locate him and get the range for accurate shots. He’ll be forced to back off the angle or risk being shot by an invincible enemy.
I’ve also found that killing them when they’re en route from spawn to a contested area is much better/safer than killing them in or very close to spawn, as you’ll generally have more cover.
Ammo is, but reload isn’t.
Sniping a pilot of a vehicle that moves hundreds of km/h through air is much more challenging than strafing a fully exposed crew of a barely movable ground vehicle.
dunno, i seem to do pretty well playing tanks and don’t really have to fly…soo not sure what your saying at all
My normal casual gameplay, they are not my best games, but not my worst either. Had better games. 10 games, died 2 times by CAS. I could exaggerate it and say i hate CAS and show screenshots of the 2 times I died to CAS and ignore the other 8 matches where I didn’t…but im not going to do that. Prefer to be real here and show raw gameplay without cherry picking/editing.
That’s like saying lights and mediums shouldn’t be able to kill heavy tanks, because TDs are specifically made for that, so if you’re in your medium you’d only be able to run away and wait for your team to bring out a TD. That doesn’t seem like a lot of fun to me.
All this “role” and “teamplay” talk is empty as long as we have no restrictions on what we must bring and how many vehicles of a specific role must be present on the battlefield.