For the first one its fairly easily fixed by giving britain proper SPAA at that BR and implementing the SPAA suggestions I have said above. Second one is also solved by implementing the tick box and naval-esque plane spawning. Implementing that would also let attack drones be removed, which I think is good.
‘must’ is just your want…
PvP game isn’t about making kills.
My current vehicle isn’t necessarily a counter.
Even some dedicated counters won’t work since they’re getting outranged.
Yes, BR makes sure you aren’t spawning in vehicles that have no counter or can’t counter themselves.
It’s not the SOLE option…
Then pick something that can… Make your lineup capable.
That’s nothing to do with the BR… BR has nothing to do with anything other than matchmaking.
Guys I think it would be better if you stopped interacting with flyingdoctor, often times that is most effective.
I think people need to accept other peoples opinions rather than trying to force them to change to your alignment…
That’s actually part of discussion, compared to dictation.
This is where this thread and many like it miss the mark, constantly.
For airfields I somewhat disagree, at least for the lower ranks (10km in something like an I-15 is ludicrous), but something I would be fine with is close-ish airspawns (30-60s out of firing range, slightly more for lower BRs), but airfields being placed further back. Said airspawns would be at the deck, however.
→ Something that could also work is mid-air rearming points with varying distances based on the plane, but its probably a bit too “arcadey” for RB.
I agree on air-to-ground armament scaling, though, but I would tweak it per individual plane. Something like the F.222.2 shouldnt need 10k+ SP to spawn in, despite having 52 50kgs.
PvP games are revolved around making kills. You not being able to counter and kill something that’s attacking your current vehicle is a problem.
What if my BR/nation combo doesn’t allow me to pick something capable ?
Most tanks are incapable of countering air, so spawning them is a no go.
BR is making sure your vehicle isn’t going against something it had no counter from the get go, at least when it comes to ground vs ground units.
Nope… It doesn’t revolve around you killing, it’s just that you face real players… And the tactics you use are what defines your progress and success.
Killing isn’t the only way to actually win and you are not alone, so it doesn’t actually need to be you.
Then you need to make your lineup balanced, or squad with someone who has something that can…
That’s not what BR is for, as shown by the countless threads about how bad decompression is needed and how vehicles need to have their BR changed.
If it was like you said, then there wouldn’t be any complaints.
I took the F86-A5 into a testflight with full-real controls, cockpit view and 16 HVARs.
Range at which I can land and splash with rockets with massively hindered controls and no practice doing CAS: ~2km at cost of 8 rockets. Now, I did leave markers on to get distance estimation.
With mouse controls, it’s far more consistent and made possible at higher speeds and steeper dive angles.
What chance does a 5.3 open-top vehicle have without some serious building cover?
I’ll magic a 7.3 SPAA into existence for britain through the power of friendship.
2kms will take a long time for those rockets to cover… Think about that before trying to mock the opposing argument because it shows you have no care for the point.
You don’t need PvP to face and play real players.
Have yet to see a winning team that scored 0 kills.
Can’t make my lineup balanced because the game isn’t giving me options.
Just because something isn’t perfectly balanced doesn’t mean vehicles are running around being totally safe from other ground units.
What even is this stupidity… Just face it, you can’t accept opposition… That’s how simple it is…
You do otherwise it becomes PvE… Do you even know what the meaning of this term is?
Like, damn… Come on now…
‘team’ that had 0 kills, where we’re talking of one player on a team, having no kills… That shows your argument is flawed, horribly.
The other half of what you quoted had the solution then… Squad with someone who does…
Just because something is killing you, doesn’t mean it’s unfair or uncounterable.
Says the person with mostly negative kdr on the vehicles he played lol its only possible to get that kind of numbers if you charge blindly into enemies and gets blown up.
Cool stat check bro, but it does nothing to further the discussion…
I think it’s about time @Stona_WT made the rule about statshaming come back because it does nothing at all in forms of discussion, and it’s all about trying to shame someone into submission so they can carry on the complaint thread as per usual.
Cool story bro… Again, statshaming is a trash tactic…
It’s not stat shaming to call someone out who has never used a 5.3 SPAA at 7.7 to NOT make claims about “skill issues” and “unable to face opposition.”
You are claiming the Bosvark is a viable SPAA to use as Britain with the 7.7 lineup.