As a CAS enjoyer, bring it on
Airbattles is literally the roots of this game, they will never remove it.
Beware, that combined aspect might be powerful enough to delete your planes without a possibility of countering that. Your planes will also be locked in a small fish-bowl of a map, making you unable to run away.
Ye I know.
It was just meant to be a joke.
I have no issue with aircraft in ground battles aside from all the ridiculous stuff they’ve added to aircraft that cannot be countered by ground players at all unless you’re playing Russia.
Although it would be great if the stuff unlocked in air only modes could only be used in those modes and there was separate progression for aircraft if they want to use it in ground; only allowing that separate progression to go up through RP gained in ground matches.
… No touching air sim.
It’s one of the few actually consistently fun game modes this game has, hindered only by it costing 15k SL to spawn the banshee and the abysmal useful actions system.
Air Sim could be so much better, then what it is now
There is no interference, as ground vehicles never operate in isolation. It’s just the same old boring tired arguments from people who refuse to bring support vehicles (including SPAA) and those who have googled camping positions and get mad when they get bombed in their silly camping spot. CAS being an integral part of ground battles is just another skill element that involves situational awareness and the willingness of those to help and support their team via SPAA and other support vehicles.
Mate, if you’re gonna say the same old tired thing everyone else is saying - don’t bother cause I’ve heard it a thousand times. I am actually one of the biggest SPAA and CAS user in my teams. I can dislike something whilst knowing and using the value of it so your argument is disingenuous.
Mainly because 90% of the “arguments” agaisnt CAS is players who either dont use SPAA or dont think they should have to spawn in. They say moronic stuff like “Its ground rb why should i have to play spaa” or “GRB should be tanks only.” Most of the suggestions to (lets be honest) nerf cas are just kneecap them and make it almost impossible to use, when its one of the best parts of playing ground. SPAA especially at higher br’s are extremely effective and the most SP cost effective. 70-90SP SPAA killing 900 sp planes is extremely good and the best cost to destruction in the game. TLDR CAS is not that much of a problem as this thread makes it seems, and players dont want to have to counter it because they want to play the game they want and not the game how it is.
there is no skill in playing airplanes in ground.
Not true.
What should ground players do in Air RB?
Then they need to allow aircraft as first spawn so players, who are only interested in aircraft can play them.
It’s bad enough that helis don’t have a proper mode.
Play ground vehicles that can shoot at planes ?
What impact do you think a vehicle barely travelling at 50 km/h is going to have in your mind?
See the 2 ground battles? They’re ~16 kilometres apart from each other (plus minus frontline width)
The 250-300 km/h PBM already feels painfully sluggish for having an impact beyond dropping a bomb every 15-25 minutes.
Oh yes, even the Pantsir can’t even cover more than 5% of the airspace on the smallest maps available…they would be a complete waste of player slots.
Not like maps can’t be easily cut in size to fit the changes. If tanks are often closed in a post-stamp sized maps, I don’t see a reason why planes couldn’t.
First of all, check above.
Second of all, Pantsir is a far cry in terms of performance from what world of AAs has to offer.
Ah yes, my IR slinger not being able to lock and kill a helicopter from 3km of range is just a delusion, got it.
Are you trolling? You cant possibly be this ignorant. There are other Spaas that can easily deal with helicopters, unless you are playing isreal or japan every single nation in game can deal with a heli at 3km.
mfw “I didnt grind a counter yet so imma complain” ahhhhhh post