Like I said I don’t give a shit what the game did in the past, it needs this now.
Real and true. Proper usage of cover and concealment can make all the difference in scenarios where enemy CAS is present. They cannot get you if they cannot find you.
I agree. It was great. Made CAS and CAP sorties all the more dynamic.
Laughable. Helicopters can be so far away that they only render as a dot. I cannot watch the sky anywhere near that well and still be part of the ground battle. (Even when in open-topped SPAA!)
That’s sounding just like something a helicopter or ATGM shooter would tell a tanker. (Before shooting them anyway, from extreme range with a fire-and-forget missile.) Jets can go from being a dot to shooting you in a second, and so far as I can tell, you can’t fire an SPAA’s guns without flashes showing from orbit, even when you’re just armed with MGs. It has been toned down from all the tracers showing like I was used to seeing, but it still isn’t that much of a challenge. I do frequently still revenge-bomb whoever kills my first tank. (Not possible when it’s an aircraft that kills me, sadly)
For those who claim it’s easy to revenge kill the aircraft that got your tank with an SPAA, I will admit that is true, if you were killed by a pilot that stays and keeps trying to strafe. With the SPAA weapons being deadlier than aircraft weapons (I’m referring to the easy at which I get 1-hit kills from the ground, compared to using similar weapons in an aircraft, it seems to me that MGs fired from the ground are more likely to get a 1-hit kill than the same or greater number of the same weapons fired from an aircraft at another aircraft.)
Talent should be a thing, yes, and it should be rewarded, but round after round I see most of the players with the high scores in planes or helicopters. If they adjusted the rewards, they could bring this to at least seem more even.
Skill issue and awareness issue. Or maybe a physical issue - Go get yourself some glasses.
Now, you will still die sometimes. As do I. It happens. Deal with it.
When aircraft outnumber tanks, it’s an air raid, not a ground battle.
Flack was work in WWII. Most guns had to be manually loaded, and often the people aiming the guns were sending info to the gunners on where in general to point them and what altitude they were to burst. Flack was not as much firing at a given plane and much more firing at formations. At times, even infantry were ordered to shoot at planes with their rifles. What is helping pilots in this game are the little “friendly” flags all over the tanks on their side. I’ve suggested many times to allow SPAAs and SAMs to scout enemy aircraft, so as to add a flag to them. Why would this help? It’s WAY EASIER TO SEE than a dot. I can’t even keep track of an airplane that is near me with my SPAA. (That’s where it hurts not to have the head tracking gear)
they will rebuff tracers next patch
What do you mean “rebuff”?
they will be much brighter/easier to see. last longer too
I have a cousin-in-law that was air crew for fighters in the USAF, back in the '90s. I asked him about stealth belts, and he’d never heard of them. I keep wondering why they’re available for fighters, but never for SPAA?
because they are used as aiming aid and also to look scary
while planes want to be undetected
SPAAs would love to be undetected, too. If I can talk with air crew and they don’t do stealth belts, why is it fighters are given this, and not everyone?
spaa usually have radars which just scream HERE I AM COME AND GET ME
so they need tracers to scare off planes
And if they don’t have radars they need tracers
There was a Very entertaining anti air tutorial from WW2 which explained exactly how to aim anti air gun’s
Based of watching tracers compared to the Target aircraft
Sadly that video got removed
I don’t need tracers. I would LOVE to have stealth belts for my SPAA guns. (and it would be another something they could give as a mod for SPAAs!)
You might not need tracers but I just answered why aa usually doesn’t have stealth belts
Same for plane gunners BTW
The lav-ad doas have stealth belt’s unless they removed them
Unless you’re in a squad with different nations mixed in, queue times take SECONDS at any tier in ground rb. Air RB, same thing. So I don’t get this angle of not having enough players - WT playerbase has multiplied since the old days where it… did just fine still.
Mouse aim works both ways in War Thunder. You benefit from it regardless of what kind of vehicle you’re in.
If you want no tags at all then Sim is your mode to play, though I hear friendly fire can be rampant at certain BRs.
Aircraft scouting isn’t necessary because we already have the alert system that even puts a plane icon in the last spotted direction on your compass. The issue these days boils down to people not paying attention to those alerts. Even when I’m not playing SPAA, I react accordingly to avoid being a potential targets, so long as I’m not pinned down or disabled.
Again though, you will still die sometimes. Nothing will ever occur in your favor 100% of the time in any competitive game, especially against other humans. That’s just life.
I find this to be true yet they still throw it up as a answer to not having a TO game of GRB.
The ADATS should be able to work just fine without radar, but it isn’t implemented that way.
Sure. And some CAS, upon seeing multiple tanks near each other will suicide in to make sure their two bombs are on target, taking out multiple tanks. For other CAS they only carry one 4K or 5K bomb, and can only take out 4 to 6 tanks at a time.
Other CAS has the problem that they can only set a tank on fire or kill the tank’s crew with their MGs, and sometimes have to make multiple passes to kill a given ground vehicle.
In any case, I have found I get more SL by a lot by flying, as opposed to staying on the ground. (Despite my age and arthritis and lack of head tracking hardware) If it pays better for me to fly, this isn’t ground combat, it’s air raid mode.
I’m going to suggest that, even hardcore tankers give it a try. Maybe practice a bit in the PVE missions and get good enough not to be completely fail before trying it in GFRB, but you might also find you can make more SLs by flying. (Fair warning, though, if everyone is in the air, then it’s basically dogfighting time!)
No sense staying on the ground if you’re going to be just one of the few targets there, though.