Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions


F4U-1 gets 1 (2.7), F4U-4 (4.3) has 2 500 kg ones.

Bf109 F (4.0) gets 1 250 kg one, G6 (4.7) gets 1 250 kg one, G-14 (5.3) still 250kg.

Once we reach 5.7 we find 1 500 kg bomb.

Also airframe durability and survivability matter a lot.

The F4Us are built like flying tanks. I’ve survived some very stupid stuff with them and flew back to base without an issue.

Corsairs: Only beaten by hellcats in survivability.

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It’s not left to a coinflip. The Corsair dropped two bombs (because it carries two bombs), the 109 only has one. The 50kgs aren’t worth mentioning.

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and his image was a 5.7 battle

he only needed one

And he missed one. If that was a 109, there would have been a 50% chance that all 3 of us on that cap circle would have lived.

Type 75 SPH is 6.3, it would have been at least that high. Likely 6.7 since that lineup is quite good.

People who are in just the right vehicle to cap and scout and are watching their spawn points so they can get immediately into their CAS aircraft aren’t necessarily more skilled at tanking at all. As for skills required to fly CAS, I can score better taking up a plane despite being 61 years old with arthritis in both hands. I have been able to fly simulators for decades, but I have no real reaction speed anymore. I still get better rewards for flying than I do tanking. GFRB is basically an air raid mode. They’ve shortened the matches because of all the 1-death leaving. (With these shortened matches, nobody cares about leavers anymore)


Oh, didn’t notice the Type 75 at first. Either way, 500kg Bf 109 is still at that BR and could’ve done the exact same.

That Corsair isn’t 5.7 though. And again, still only 50% chance to actually hit us with how he dropped.

that’s not how chance works. the bomb would’ve killed you regardless of if he dropped a second one

And who says it was the first bomb that hit us? What if his first drop undershot by so much that it wouldn’t have done anything and the second bomb was the one that fell right between us?

you tell me. which bomb drop hit you?

One game in the Yak 9k (or T? I can never remember).

Full uptier. Advance on Rhine. South spawn.

First spawn my Kv-1 zis-5. Drive to the south-east cap. Take it. See a panther. Shoot its tracks. Get blown up.

I respawn in a 638 SP yak 9 that can one-two tap most tanks even in a full uptier.

Was this some amazingly skilled gameplay on my part? Dying after shooting the tracks off a panther?


Not in my opinion.

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I can’t remember, this was a while ago and from a 2 part meme about planes in ground rb. But just from that screenshot, the first bomb looks to be way too low to still get us since he was on a shallow dive.

Schrodinger’s bomb

The lower bomb probably hit

I dont remember exactly when they introduced planes to ground. but its was alot better before they did.
after planes came all there has been is revenge bombing , and more bombing . and 0 investment in AA guns , mobile or not. they didnt even bother too add the correct sights or basic instructions on how too use the sights.

They should do a ground only mode and see what the outcome is. if its the death of mixed mode, well its fine by me


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Gaijin’s focus on combined arms is essential for maintaining a healthy player base and ensuring shorter queue times.

Separating the modes will lead to longer wait times and a fragmented community.

Instead of pushing for separate game modes, we could advocate for better balancing within the existing combined arms mode?

This way, we can address the concerns of players who feel frustrated by CAS without compromising the overall gameplay experience.

This is where the paradox comes in. CAS supporters say that the dynamic between air and ground is balanced and there is no issue. Or that the only issue is a “skill issue” on behalf of people who want a ground only mode.

However, they do also not want a second Ground only mode. Why? If combined arms were balanced, people would be satisfied and few would play it. If many migrated to that mode all it would do is prove that combined arms is inherently unbalanced.



Be me spawn a click bait get 2 kills cap a point die to a strv 122+ spawn wolfpack get a kill on a 2a7 die to a MQ1 spawn spaa to deal with it die to su25k spawn other spaa kill su25k another mq1 kills me spawn m1 Bradley make it 100 ft out of spawn another su25k kills me spawn xm800t rat tank make it 50ft out of spawn and die to the entire enemy team staring at me because we were getting bombed in our spawn the whole game 10/10 definitely balanced

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Like You hide behind trying to gaslight people to play what they don’t want as the “solution”?