Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

If I could turn my tank into SPAA or plane without dying would even have a point.

But without that and by seeing Your in game profile, everything is really clear


Also vice versa.

I have made a suggestion at least to let us see team composition on the spawn screen (including what vehicle types are queued to spawn ). I really hate spawning my bosvark and then… there’s no planes in the air or we had 4 players total decide to spawn SPAA around the same time.

Being able to RTB, J out and hop into a bosvark and shoot down a few planes then J out and hop back into the comet/charioteer/centurion (such an amazing SPAA, supporting 3 entire BR brackets!) once plane threat is over.

There’s precedent for that - in air RB you can RTB your fighter after noticing this is going to be a game won by groundpounding and slap bombs onto the bird without penalty.

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At the moment only air units can leave vehicle at the airport without it being labeled as death

I have said it multiple times, give ground units possibility to respawn/rearm/repair on the spawn zones


How about adding Ground units to ARB? Player could drive around with S300/S400 and shoot down jets. They have a range of 40-120km. Would be funny, i mean its a combined arms game, so why not?

Seriously, please stop with this argument. It’s ridiculous and it makes people wanting actual changes to CAS look bad by association.

Maybe the highest, top-of-top tier SPAA could stay relevant, but even that is doubtful.

Since ARB lacks distance markers, I can only refer to the wiki which cites that even at low-tier maps are 64x64 km across. I find this believable, given how you can spot the enemy at ~20km distance while behind your bases and they’re behind their bases implying there’s probably 3 20 km columns.

So by all means, drive your skink, wiesel, falcon, chieftain marskman or ystevark around on the 64x64 map where planes fight at 2-4 km altitude.


nah just give S300 with 20-40km range. Where is the problem? You dont need to drive a lot with that range and can spawn random on the map.

Give SPAA reload at spawn and make spawn more of a defensible base


You realize S300 is probably a tier 10+ vehicle if it gets added given the technologies involved?

You also realize there’s a significant amount of game existing under tier 10?

I’m only familiar with the british ground tree. First radar gun SPAA is 8.3

First missile SPAA is 10.0.

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The game already has SPAWN PROTECTION and IR SPAA. Spawn protection is a mechanic were you figh an INVENCIBLE enemy. IR SPAA literally the game PLAYS FOR YOU, you click, the game do the track. The SP cost to spawn cas is 10 times higher than to spawn a SPAA. People who complain about CAS are usually the ones who want to sit still in a position.

You know that before IR SPAA there is a lot of other B.Rs?

Not to mention that IR SPAA have limited range.

Yes, I know and I agree that in some specific BRs, CAS in dominant. The problem is that people talks as CAS is an invincible entity.

IR spaas have limited range? Yes, but they simply spawn, have a good quantity of spawn protection time, and can just click the plane. The game do the rest, AND there is no way of the other player knowing that the spaa exist (as I said, it just spawned). Not to mention the spawn cost, were ANY player can simply die, without doing nothing, and spawn an IR SPAA.

So, yeah. Its “FINE” as it is.

EDIT: To backup my argument, I know youre not a new player and know this, but take 10 VERY BAD PLAYERS statcard. The 0.5 KD timmy. Now look at their IR SPAA KD. Oh, what a surprise. Ozelots, Strelas, Tansam… All positive. I wonder why…

Some specific BRs.

Britain gets the Skink and Bosvarkat 5.3 Skink has pitiful muzzle velocity, bosvark has 100 shells per belt or magazine or whatever it uses. It also has a 12 second reload rate. It also cannot hit low-flying targets to the front. It also can barely turn.

What is britain supposed to do at 6.3, 7.7 and 8.0 if they wish to play purely ground? Can the bosvark get kills? Yes. But it’s at a significant disadvantage compared to something like the wiesel or ZSUs, especially in a target rich environment. Yipee, you killed the SK60 and the ME262. Now you’re reloading and the sabre strafes you as you try to parallel park your way into cover.

There’s a significant portion of the game before SAM and IR and Radar SPAA.

So in your example, you have 3 guys engajing you, you kill 2 of them and dies on the reload to the 3rd? Well, I mean, some BRs CAS is dominant, but thats not “dominance”

It’s a very unlikely event of suicidal planes flying head-on towards the spawn. The higher probability event is that the bosvark dies to a stray 7.7 mm round as it got zero crew protection.

You got 100 rounds to hit a plane moving ~700 km/h and if you go dry, you need 12 seconds (went and checked my bosvark’s stat card. 10 second is for ace, I dont have it aced) before you can defend yourself again.

Yeah yeah, but not the first example that comes to your mind. Anyway… WHat do you suggest to fix this, apart from “remove whats I dont like” from the game?

It’s the opposite. People who complain about CAS are trying to have fun in GRB and want to actually be able to play the game.

All I see CAS as, as a purely ground player, is an anti-fun mechanic.


IDK man. The argument I see the most is “Ive got revenged CAS”, well… the CAS guy need some points to spawn a… CAS plane? So he did something too.

Its part of the game. There is no “remove planes” solution. It’s dumb to ask that. To balance stuff? FINE. Remove? Nah

Read the thread.

Or other cas threads.

  1. Move the bloody airfields back. Right now, it’s possible to grab a F8F or F4U, load it with 3 1000 lbs bombs, fly at 500-600 km/h towards the battle area, drop the bomb and RTB possibly even faster thanks to the dive used to drop the bomb. Assuming you don’t engage enemy fighters, you can RTB in like 30-45 seconds depending on map (maginot line is 5 km from B point, frozen pass is 7 km. Rest somewhere around these two). You restock/repair in 15 seconds. Take off and return to the battlefield in about a minute with 3x 1000 lbs.

BR 1-3 airfield should be what it is currently.
BR 3-5 airfield should be ~10-12 km away
BR 5-7 airfield should be 15-20 km away
BR 7+ I do not know, jets accelerate weirdly and I’ve only a few games in the F84B to reasonably guesstimate appropriate airway distance but it should take 2-3 minutes to return after rearming.

(trying to achieve ~1.5-3 minute flight time between take off and ability to drop bomb assuming average airspeeds of 200km/h, 300-400 km/h, 400-600 km/h with increased fighter-bomber payload capacities

This will significantly dilute the amount of planes in the air as they spend a longer time rearming, it will discourage using fighter-bombers only able to carry 1 bomb and instead encourage using slower and larger ground-attack planes and frontline/heavy bombers as you can drop more bombs and spend more time doing CAS in relation to rearming.

  1. Increase plane spawn costs to prevent the almost comical occurrence of witnessing a BT-7/M42/insert speedy low-repair cost low SP cost vehicle in a 6.0/6.3/7.7 BR game speeding out of spawn, rushing capture point, smacking a few tanks’ tracks and spawning in a plane carrying a significant ground strike payload. Strike-capable, loaded plane spawn cost should be high enough to require 2 kills without dying or 4-5 assists or 2 base captures or some combination of this.

This should prevent the case of shooting a sherman or pershing or patton and ending up with a sky full of corsairs and bearcats as the 0-1 kill player had enough SP to spawn one.

Ideally, the spawn cost of CAP should remain the same but adding ground-attack payloads should significantly increase it, likely doubling or tripling it. Payload SP cost should vary according to BR though because dumbfire rockets and bombs are much more dangerous to sluggish WW2 vehicles with relatively weak RHA/cast armour over composite armoured MBTs.

  1. Give a decent SPAA for each 1.0 BR range for all nations. If nothing else, take a higher tier SPAA and limit its ammunition to earlier variants if such existed. Or if something was upgunned, offer the alternative as upgraded variants of lower BR variants.

  2. ULQ’s suggestion: Allow players to return to spawn or a capture point and swap ground vehicles without losing spawn points to allow reactive SPAA usage and return to normal battle after the skies are clear.

  3. Better spawn protection - some kind of top cover, more foilage, more spawn positions, more ways to leave spawn. It’s absolutely lovely spawning in my ratel/eland and getting strafed by a sabre or corsair before I even drive a hundred metres out of spawn.

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Dude I will not read another 100+ post of anti CAS stuff. But thanks for bringing the points.

1- I agree with the airfield stuff. The problem is a prop being uptiered and traveling all the “jet distance”. People already leave when uptiered (I guarantee ULQ knows people that do this, because I KNOW).

2- Honestly there should be a BR limit for down vehicles. Its not as recurrent on the games I played, but its annoying. Its more due to this than the SP cost. Making the SP cost for ground the TRIPLE of a plane without ground ordenance is not viable. Lets be real. And on top of that, planes can still strafe. This “triple the points” is the same as asking for something to not exist.

3- Vehicles are a gaijin thing. IDK if its business related or what, but its not that simple, so…

4- sure. Same for air, right? So I can spawn a chopper, kill the guy on the IR spaa and come back to my cas plane?

5- I dont mind that. Honestly, thats BETTER for CAS, because you will not be engaged as easily by an invincible enemy, so…

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Yes, but every vehicle has its function on a battlefield and in war. Tanks need the support of AA or planes for example.

This game is not made to be just tank vs tank.

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