Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Yeah, which always was intended to be Combined arms by design,… calling it what you want → the term “Ground” does not limit the mode to that.

If it was called Ground Only Realistic Mode then it would be named.

GAIJIN always showed bad quality in communication, yet a titling gamemodes only proves it → why would naval have access to thei AA guns, if it wasn’t on the purpose designed to counter air threats?

Why would we have SPAAG SPAAM aswell?

Your argue refers to Gaijin inability to name things right (@Smin1080p another thing to do)


I just pointed out the real name of the mode ;)

Which as i told you, does not reflect the intent of design, behind the mode itself,…

The fact is that the gamemode is made aeound tank gameplay doesn’t involve any limitation for other type of vehicule to it.

And still the name is “Ground Realistic mode”, no matter what You have to say about it, people expect it to be ground oriented


And it is → the objectives are mostly accessibles to Tanks, and not aircrafts in most case.

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Oh gonna talk about caps won’t You?

This is what gaijin have said:
“As War Thunder is primarily a PvP focused game and getting kills is the ultimate goal to win battles

You’re making it really hard to keep sanity,… as your condescending ways to “discuss” things makes it edgy real fast…

All you ask for is to rename the gamemode → @Smin1080p is it possible, so people would stop complainning,…

This allows any kind of authorized vehicules for doing so.

Bases ensure win/loss bonus → which are also significant part.

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There is no balance between ground and air, meaning that air has a bigger chance at killing ground unit than other way around.

Gaijin saying that getting kills is:
ultimate goal to win battles
And planes being better at it, shows that mode is not oriented around ground really.

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Utlimate goal of having kills is reduce ennemy threat to reduce team capability to capture bases back.

The mode still requires those bases to be captured.

You can have 12 aircrafts, if a single tank is able to defend most capture point alone, he would be winning.

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So ground untis are there to only cap zones?

Again still can’t say that the gamemode is focused around ground.

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I would love to see how he defends himself against one 500kg bomb landing on top of him.

No,… you’re only seeing what you want here mate,… you again shows your stubborness to not see how the game is designed.

I’m gonna stop answering you as you’re enraged about having a TO, and don’t wanna see what is the gamemode about.

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The game is designed that way, that planes are only a cheap revange tool for people who don’t want to get good in tanks and need something to defeat a better player.

This is how they are implemented at the moment.

You are the one refusing to acknowledge how RB GFs work at the moment. There is a simple question which shows how things are:

Which is easier?

  1. Using a tank against +1 B.R. tank
  2. Using a plane with bombs agaisnt + 1 B.R. tank

And spare me the talk about needing to earn SP, as You only need to cap a zone to get into the aircraft with bombs ;).


When will anti-CAS players accept the fact, it’s “Combined Battles” there are planes and tanks, period. They, being Gaijin, are not going to simply remove planes because some players cannot or will not learn to deal with them in some manner . . . other than complaining. I mainly fly planes, I enjoy them. I have been here a long time and played tanks since the were implemented and I used to have a great deal of fun playing tanks. . . . even with planes in there. I am by no means a very good tank player, but I manage . . . most of the time. . . lol. And being average or below in skill level playing tanks, I still rarely get killed by planes. Here’s a few reasons why - I play AB where planes are so nerfed/gimped they are barely worth flying, plus the number of planes in the air is limited by time & number. I do not sit still very long in one place and I never hang out in a “cluster” of other players . . . not by choice anyway. Several players sitting together is just asking for it . . . total bomb magnet . . . yet I see it all the time.
RB is a mess and it’s not planes/CAS, it’s how they are implemented . . the respawn point system is completely to blame for like 90% of the plane issue in that mode, main reason I do not play it. Players are going to do whatever gives them an advantage, scores them points with the least amount of risk/effort . . . . this is the way.
Instead of “hating” on the players that make good use of planes, or making demands(TANKS ONLY!! . . reeee) maybe learn to play the game you are given, work within the system to bring about changes. It’s the way planes are implemented in RB that is the problem i.e. - the respawn point system. Why not go to the source/root of the problem and see about getting that adjusted/removed(the way they do it in naval is far superior to the RB tank system).
Gaijin is not going to create a whole other mode for a segment of the player base and thin out the queues for tank battles even further. There are 3 modes for tank play, find the one that suits your play style the best and do that. The bickering and arguing back and forth is pointless, finding constructive solutions that work for/benefit the most players would be the ideal route to follow. Division among the players should be lessened, not made worse. It is not really an issue or a requirement to even “take sides”, it is a problem/issue that needs to be worked on. It’s not a matter of WHO is right, it is a matter of WHAT is right . . for the majority of the players and the game itself . . . . . “Go easy Bro” . . . . . this is the way


I could not have said it better.

In my eyes, CAS is implemented horribly and aircraft/their users are unfairly demonized. There are some legitimate complaints from the TO crowd, despite the fact that they’re choosing to gimp themselves out of “preference” and then complaining about unfairness.

If nothing else, surely most of us can agree on the fact that revenge bombing is probably the source of most of the rage and frustration. Why not tackle the causes of that first which make it so commonplace to turn down the temperature in the room so meaningful discussion can be made?

  1. Ditch the kill camera from RB (and also Sim), or if it is kept in then its footage should be moved to after the round ends. Dying should not reward you with intel, period. If you suspect someone cheated, look at the server replay.

  2. Force planes to spawn on the runway so they take longer to get to the map after their tank is blown up.

  3. Remove the close-range helipad completely. Move the farther helipad back and merge it with the airfield complex, so that helicopters can land on the plane airfield if they so choose.

  4. Ditch the “[Our/Hostile] team is capturing zone [A/B/C]” messages. These only act as “hi I’m here please bomb me!” messages. Surely the ticket bar not flashing, the icons below it changing color, and the minimap are enough to tell people that zone control is changing.

I use aircraft a lot in combined, more for CAP than CAS as I enjoy markerless dogfights way more than in Air RB.

But guess what - I hate revenge killing as much as the typical person chanting for TO does.

Now, there is a lot more needing alteration to make CAS fit into the mode well, but that can be explained later on once the rage mechanics are taken care of.

As a part of that, I would not mind “throwing a bone to the TO guys” in a way that doesn’t split the mode and can actually test how well it would really work. While I personally believe that many campy maps would break without CAS to uproot people, that is not completely certain. Have bad weather block use of aircraft, like in reality. Fog, rain, snow, etc. I already don’t use air much when the weather is bad because its really hard to spot stuff on the ground.


Yeah, as a “pro-CAS” person. I’d have no issue with any of these.

Moving the heli-pads further away (or combining one with the main AF) could also mean a return of actual AA for the heli-pads.

The only aircraft though that should keep an airspawn is the medium/heavy bombers. Though they could still spawn a little lower and/or further away.

But yeah, I also heavily agree with the weather additions. Its one sure fire way to mitigate high alt bombing.

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Big planes and seaplanes currently spawn over the runway after landing, so they’d probably do the same instead of runway takeoff due to being physically unable to in some cases.

Glad to see you understand the rest and agree with it.

Only once the screaming stops (or at least lessens) can anything of substance be discussed.

I personally believe using Simulator’s SP system is the only true way of achieving “balance,” because no matter how you change the weapons or where they spawn, in the current system, one team will “rush” to get air up before the other, and the other then complains how “overpowered” it is in the neverending cycle of utter nonsense.

Sim does the following: 1000SP at match start, no ability to earn more through any action. Obviously this would mean no more nukes in RB unless it was changed instead to get a number of kills without dying like it is in AB.

This means that both CAS and CAP could be first spawns with any loadout. However, both teams equally get access to this at match start, meaning it no longer matters which team has the faster cap-rushing meme machines anymore, and that spawning SPAA/SAMs early game actually has some value. Furthermore, since both teams get equal access to it, they can cancel each other out.

I would go even further by undoing many nonsensical nerfs to SPAAG and SAMs, both in their ground-to-air and ground-to-ground capability. The former to make them easier to learn and use, the latter to encourage the average joe to do more than sit uselessly in his own spawn.

And lastly, I would use Naval’s default plane concept, so every player has BR-appropriate fighters and CAS (latter with preset unoptimized loadouts) in their decks ready to use if they simply wish to learn how to use it. Nobody is able to be truly “defenseless” any longer unless they choose to be. If they still choose to gimp themselves, they forfeit all right to complain how “overpowered” air is when they’re doing nothing to defend themselves or their team.

CAS is 50% an objective and spawning problem, and 50% a player opinion one. Empowering the counters to where they are too good not to at least try using and making them guaranteed available to every user will begin to uproot the opinion of “CAS is too hard/impossible to counter” once and for all.

Yeah, I agree, and I have been getting into GSB lately, I actually enjoy the ground combat in that more than I do in GRB, even though I can spawn in a plane whenever I want.

I do have a quite a few suggestions to mitigate CAS without nuking them, there is certainly some issues to be resolved, but I think that is the key word “resolve”. These issues could absolutely be fixed.

I mainly play AB for tanks & planes, I do however prefer RB for naval, and the differences between AB & RB are very slight compared to tanks & planes. For the markers, I only show the vehicle type and distance, that’s all the really matters . . . what is it, how far away is it. I agree about a good deal of things in game that basically amount to “taunting” and inspire/encourage rage induced “revenge” killing are not really needed. A MOD told me long ago about the names, and he stated that once he turned that part off, the “urge” to go after someone went away. I find it makes me more able to stay focused on the match/objectives or tasks I am working on. The “skull” icon should be removed. Less aggro/confrontational things between individual players and more incentive for team work would seem a better approach . . . but that’s just me and I understand it’s a war game . . .
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But there is still honor, sportsmanship and . . . code . . . we could use more of that stuff
The Coffin Of The Red Baron Being Carried By Members Of The Australian No. 3 Squadron, Lead By An English Priest, For Burial In Northern France. The Ace Pilot Of World War I Germany Was Shot Down On April 21, 1918, And Given A Full Military Funeral By The Australian Unit Who Recovered His Body
. . . just saying . . . only my opinion anyway

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