Why did the Type 81 and Type 93 lose the smokeless motors?

And of course Japan gets the worse missile options whilst having to compete with the Pantsir.

Is Gajin not a russian company?

Type91 was made as upgrade of stinger and should pull slightly better then it, about 22-24G. “TV” seeker we have shouldn’t get affected by ground resistance. At very least it shouldn’t turn off like old shitty soviet missile.
But we are playing soviet fan fantasy game so I doubt we will ever see that.


What annoys me the most the when the Type 93 has lock and cannot fire after clicking countless times, then fires when its too close…

Yeah I don’t know why that keeps happening either.

Because they were withdrawing from there nicotine addiction

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It looks like Type81 does have motor smoke

Still it should be back to 11.0 tho

Supposedly there are different missiles where I guess the newer ones don’t have it… just annoying when it originally had it at 10.0 and now it’s essentially nerfed whilst being pushed to 11.3 for some stupid reason that they even refuse to acknowledge or explain, just force it through unannounced with a BR update at the last moment because why not.

I’m not entirely sure that the Type91 should have a higher G-force than the Stinger, but I am more than sure that the Type91 should have a similar G-force to the Stinger, namely 18-22G. At the very least because Toshiba was very familiar with the Stinger design and probably had access to documentation from General Dynamics.

Definitely agree. The TV CCD matrix is in reality absolutely immune to IR traps, IR jamming stations (Hot Brick infrared jammer), various backgrounds behind and under the target, background changes. The only thing is that since I do not have access to materials on CCD matrices of missile seekers, in particular anti-aircraft missiles and air-to-air missiles, I do not know what the required level of illumination of the terrain/target itself is. And how resistant are TV CCD seekers to such circumstances as fog and poor visibility between the seeker and the target. There are no formulas or other indirect data by which one can judge the photosensitivity and maximum target acquisition range of a TV CCD seeker. The only thing that comes to mind is that it is clearly connected with the matrix resolution (I know that in the early 2000s the IR seeker matrix of some missiles had a resolution of about 128×128 pixels), pixel size, matrix area, optics size, its aperture ratio, etc. optical data.

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I know that the Gaijins have specifically worsened the visibility of aircraft to ground targets and vice versa of air targets to ground targets - they have worsened the target LODs, reduced their sizes, and worsened their quality. Because of this, many air-to-ground missiles cannot capture ground targets further than 8-12 km, and vice versa, ground-to-air missiles.

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By the way, there is a theory that the IR television channel of the Type93 station can exchange data with the Type91 MANPADS on board, because it has more powerful optics. For example, this is approximately how it happens. The crew receives data on the target, captures it with a television machine in the visible and IR spectrum, the data from the television machine in the form of angular velocity, range, and the image itself are transmitted and merged into the memory of the Type 91 MANPADS before launch, then the missile is launched and the TV homing head after some time of flight compares the target image with the TV homing head and the one recorded in the memory received from the television station before launch. With the Type 91 Kai, the same story, but in the IR spectrum.

This is essentially the same as the Datalink of the FIM92K, perhaps even in a more advanced form. In this case, it turns out that the Igla and other early MANPADS are absolutely primitive and are severely limited by the acquisition range of their primitive IR seekers.

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