I’m literally flying between trees, yet I get locked and shot by spaa at 20-25m off the ground from 2k + out while maneuvering. I just don’t get it. Stock heli grind is what I’m playing btw.
It’s really easy to hit helis in the radar SPAA even without lock in my experience, as some have a laser rangefinder to correct the distance plus you can compensate with your eyes. And 2km is very much within the effective range of them. It’s gonna be very hard in helis without the long range SACLOS missiles.
2km is, extremely close, like, I could piss in the wind and hit you. Main reason is, gaijin doesn’t model trees as an interference, also, they can just learn to lead the cannons without the radar.
What helo you playing?
I was playing the Italian areola. Like in movies( yes I know) they always stay low to avoid radar. I just don’t get how they lock me flying in the trees.
Because they aren’t locking you - I only really lock someone if they’re far away (6km+) so I know where to lead. If you’re within 2km in a heli? I can clap you out of the sky with my nice VT rounds without locking you, easy :) (then again the Lvkv9040 is a beast so…)
I don’t know what an areola is, but I’d assume it’s the Italian Huey or the 109OA thing?
I thought it was the area surrounding the nipple