Why are the british phantoms 12.0?

The british Phantom FG.1 and FGR.2 are by far the worst phantoms BR for BR, being at the same battle rating as the F-4S and F-4J, while lacking HMD, the Agile Eagle upgrade package, having skyflashes over the AIM-7F and only being able to carry 4 SAHR missiles. These aircraft are clearly outclassed and need either a buff (the FGR.2 could carry the AIM-9L) or to be lowered to 11.3 or 11.7.


9.7 sidewinders but everything else is pretty easy to grind, just base bomb and kill people in head ons with skyflash

If you want to grind British planes, Mig-21 Bison is the way. Like I grinded whole air tech tree until lrank 7 in like a month. Justa been having really good time with that plane.

And yeah F-4J(UK) Phantom shoould be 11.3 thats it… its 10x worse then American f-4S and only one worse then him is Japanese one…

Which Japanese one? The bomber one or the one with F-16 radar?

I was referring to the FG.1 and FGR.2 in the tech tree

on top of the good points you make, the british phantoms, or at the very least the FG.1, we able to carry SIX skyflashes with 2 being held on underwing pylons as well as the 4 mounted on the belly and its 4 AIM-9G’s i absolutely love the fgr2 i loved it before it br change and i love it now, i just think it needs its proper armament

“If you want to play Britain, play the only soviet aircraft in the tree” is the funniest and most heart-wrenching truth at the moment. If its British, it gets nerfed hard, its a real shame



FGR2 should get 9Ls and remain at 12.0
FG1 should drop to 11.7
F-4J(UK) could get either buff, I think the BR drop would be the better change


British Phantoms have more powerful British engines.


F-4EJ ADTW…that one…

@iboopy oh my bad… But now that you mention it I dont even see any difference between FGR.2 and FG.1…

@Morvran Agreed, but MiG is sooo fun…

They increase both weight and drag, so reducing the top speed. the phantoms are about the same speed on the deck, but the engines do help with acceleration

Uh, not quite. At low alt the FGR2/FG1 are faster than most phantoms but are about equal at alt. But the increased weight means they turn much worse and loose energy quicker when they do turn

The joke answer is Gaijin just thinks British pilots are better than other nations so they up-br everything nice they could have. They probs only have statistics for the F-4s with the amount I see at that b.r. But I am sure there is some graph somewhere they won’t show us that will tell them they need to be 12.0 so we can only guess. My possible is the missile and speed. Playing through them atm and until you get the mods it is annoying, but that can be said for high tier aircraft as a whole.

yayy gaijin making britain a challenge with lackluster rewards at top tier. A slow MBT with no lower front plate, a load of strike aircraft and some converted to fighters, the worst top tier harrier, a ground strike harrier, and then the only reason to actually play UK air, the JAS39 and EF2000.

FGR2 with AIM-9Ls would be made 12.3 - 12.7.
They are 12.0 because they have PD radars. FGR2 is one of the best 12.0s in the game.

There are OP 13.0s that cause issues for them as shown in previous posts here, and those should be moved up.

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Its not even the strongest 12.0 in the British TT. Both the Tornado F3 (and the Harrier Gr7 which imo should be 12.0 not 12.3) are a lot stronger.

How you think the FGR2 is equal to even any of the other Phantoms let alone 12.0 aircraft like the Tonrado F3 or Mirage F1 is beyond me. Id argue the Phantom FGR2/FG1 are currently some of the weakest 12.0 aircraft in the game at the moment.

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I highly doubt it would be the same BR as the early F-16s, or 0.3 below the F-4F ICE.

Plus the Kurnass 2000 is 12.3 with 6 python 3s and much more flares.

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He thinks the F-104S ASA with AIM-9L/I’s would be 13.0, so there’s not much point in arguing with him.

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There’s no way it would be 0.7 higher than the Tornado GR.4 with 9Ms.

Equivalent/slightly worse airframe with worse missiles, but more missiles wouldn’t be worth more than an 0.3 difference.

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Or at the same BR as the F-15A/J, Su-27S/J-11, and JAS39A.