Why are so many maps just flooded with clouds?

Why have some maps just been flooded to the point where visibility is just non-existant? I’m genuinely just curious because I feel some maps (Mostly all the mountainous ones / the ones with odd terrain e.g Rocky Pillars) have been completely covered in clouds. It’s annoying a lot of the time because it completely obliterates any situational awareness I (or you) would normally have and tends to make me (or you) extremely confused. It’s a nice touch but I don’t feel like it should be objectively put on the maps with mountains as in cases when you want to stay low you just cant because you don’t want to crash, It’d make sense if other maps like Battle for Vietnam (which tends to be more of a relatively flat map) got more clouds because you don’t have to worry as much but I feel I never see these densely packed clouds on those maps. I could just be me but sometimes in those cases I also just end up doing circles (not knowing what literally anyone is doing) and then dying from a head on engagement which I didn’t was even know was occurring. While yes we can accept the fact that I died from not being vigilant enough and not using the distance shown above the aircraft getting closer but when I cant actually see them and confirm they’re going head on with me and not just going past to maybe bomb a base etc I don’t really know what to do?


They purposely make you die more so you will eventually run low on lions so you will buy premiums lol