Why are Magic 1s so flare hungry

Fire literally any non IRCCM missile from 3km and see what happens

Bro please take 2 seconds to read it I beg of you

The IIIC has good engine power, the IIIE’s flight performance is severely restricted.

You’re again posting your played battles I do not understand the relevance to this thread.

Look. At. The. Name. At. The. Top.

Tell me if that is my played battles


Sooo you’re arguing in bad faith because you know you’re wrong?

I’m going to stop engaging with because you just admitted to trolling, have a nice day :)

Wrong about what? The user has clearly demonstrated they have not played the game before. I fail to see how your posting of your played games disproves this.

This thread would be a lot less cluttered if people didn’t post offtopic comments but we’re on the War Thunder forums and everyone feels the need to share their opinion.

That was a misclick earlier tbh, But I believe Morvran comment is in relation to this post:

Which I will say their comparison was spot on for it & did like that, although that post as a whole still confuses me.

Ohh yes, lets just make that the title then say a completely different aircraft & its BR as the post filler without explanation…

An aircraft with 20G missiles + flares versus an aircraft with 30G missiles + flares

“completely different” sure the Harrier can VTOL, I guess.

No where have I claimed the Mirage IIIE should be 10.7

First time i have ever seen someone claim 7,000=0.

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A number doesn’t represent what actually occurs which in the case of the user in discussion is nothing.