Why are Heli’s in a poor state

I want to grind helicopters so bad, I’ve got 2 out of 5, researching my third, and it cost 315k RP. 315k RP for a heli that doesn’t have a gun, only missiles, and bad ones at that. The amount of RP received from playing helis is minimal, and horrible too. Will this be fixed, if so, when. Why have they been left in such a poor state?


Helicopters are an interesting vehicle type, as they don’t work in Air Arcade or Realistic, and Ground rewards are pretty low for anything. Heli PVE rewards are low because it is basically time-based farming of RP and SL that requires time more than skill or effort. I’m not sure which nation you are using, but if you are good with Ground, you may want to use them to help research your Helis or just play Heli PVE. If helicopters were easier to research and obtain, I can guarantee that Ground RB would be worse off than it already is with helicopter use.

You can already now use tanks to research helis, so that is good change, making it better than spending hour and half in Heli PvE to get 20k RP as there is soft cap. Can get same amount of RP in two tank RB games faster.

It would still take quite a while when using ground to grind Heli’s, as it’s still high amounts, the only really good helicopters are British, American, German, Russian, and Some Swedish.

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Shouldn’t have to sacrifice ground progress to compensate for bad game design.


Gaijin encourage you to spend cash to buy the vehicles and upgrades, they don’t want everybody to obtain it without spending a single cent bro. There is this thing called business expenses bro, like paying staff, maintain server, reserve fund, and then personal expenses, maintaining relationships health, housing loans, cars, bike, boats and then hobbies, like watch collection etc.

an overall decrease in Heli RP requirements would be good.


I would say the modification grind is even worse than grinding for the vehicle itself.
Some helicopters, like the Z-9WA, are 10.7 - but have the performance of an ~8.0 helicopter without rank III and IV modifications.

So, in Ground RB - they’re basically useless.
And in Heli EC, they’re matched with other 10.7 helicopters which are far better - so it’s still useless, and can’t grind the modifications that it needs to not be useless. It quite literally is a loop seemingly created entirely so people would spend their GE on modifications.


Just first spawn with rockets and fly over to enemy spawn point.

The helicopters themselves are in a rather good state compared to tanks and ships.

They have their inner wirkings.modeeled in far higher detail than anything but fixed wing aircraft.

The grind being.bad does not diminish the quality of the vehicles.

I don’t see this as an excuse to make heli grind unbearable.

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yeah because anything they can be explained away by saying “they want money”, sure.

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To encourage the sale of premiums

The most efficient way to grind helicopters is to use the ground research option. There is no efficient way to grind helicopter modules unless the helicopter is semi-efficient at rocket runs then you should use those and ODL.

They just need to fix heli PvE and not this lazy approach of making it the problem of ground forces, or at least also allow air and naval to research it, but when you bring it up then suddenly it’s no longer a game about combined forces and heli’s have no relation to aircraft somehow, that argument is only used when you try to argue the problem with CAS somehow.


Shhhh, watch out what You are saying!

Otherwise some people might come here and derail the whole topic ;)

The basic cpntrols?

You can use them directly in a helicopter, the collective, cyclic and so on.

None of that is possible for tanks. You get wasd and the game does the rest. Same with the gunnery you cannot go into detail mouse aim is all there is, because the real controls of the tanks were never modelled.

Tanks are a bad product from a quality perspective. The level of detail is poor.

Heli’s are only used in ground battles not aviation or naval. So it makes no sense for them to be able grind Heli’s. Additionally there is nothing that can be done to fix Heli PVE because people no interest in it.

Heli have their own heli mode and are used in ground battles to attack ground forces.
Planes have their own plane mode and are used in ground battles to attack ground forces.
Ground forces don’t have their own mode and are used in ground battles to act as targets for air forces.

How does it make more sense for a tank to research CAS than for CAS to research CAS?

Additionally there is nothing that can be done to fix Heli PVE because people no interest in it.

Lmao what.


Tanks do have their own mode and not remotely targets for planes. GF has always been a combined arms since the beginning and it has always intended to be that way.