Why are f14 still 12.3?

Im fairly mid air rb player because its my secondary mode and i dont even have F-14A yet.

that can track u through mountains and at ur spawn yes

Because the AIM-7M was significantly worse than the R-27ER, had no strengths over it whatsoever, and sometimes would even go for a random target you didn’t have locked, or just straight up or down.


While it still happens, its rare compared to like december 23, where it happened to like 40% of my launches lmao.

Glad that got (mostly) fixed.

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Average WT player when they dont like something. “It tracks me all day and night, from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed”. Get real bro, the Phoenix isn’t tracking you that fuckin well.


You dont want to play a fleet defence fighter as its intended role??? Stop mindlessly trucking bases and learn to deal with the threat (being one of the easiest missiles to defeat)

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Pos K/D in the F-4S? Never seen that before

They have lower BR.
Theres no point for them to be better than tomcat in all aspects.

it literally does. there are mountains (pun intended) of evidence showing f14 locking onto u from spawn and not losing track through mountains. no one likes f14s except for the single celled organisms playing them.

How many times has that happened to you in game?

Now, with nerfed MiG-23 and multipath must be possible, just win by sparrows

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Maybe just signal on RWR, no?

multiple. ur argument makes no sense either LOL just because it didnt anecdotally happen to me doesnt mean it doesnt happen

F-4S is amazing platform, but i cant Wait to get F-4J solely due to its stock livery.

It’s never happened to me a single time. Never happened to any of my friends. I have never been hit by a phoenix that I properly defended against. Acting like that just… happens is insane to me.

wow NO WAY. maybe because u barely face them. once again ur anecdotal experiences dont matter when somehow f14 players manage a above 2kd as a monolith. u being just so good at the game doesnt matter when the vast majority of the players arent apparently

Ive heard that all ARHs did track through mountains for like week after release, but it didnt happen to me either, and ive been playing solely air rb on multiple aiframes around tomcats BR since then.

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When players like you refuse to actually defend against missiles, nobody cares about the KD going up. Not sure what to tell you. L+Notch&Chaff I guess.

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so… i, like MANY others, bought a fighter which is capable of bombing. the one, that got higher br because of those bombs. and because of one missile in the game im losing that capability. awesome.
and im not trucking bases, idk why would you say that. im not really sacrificing any missiles to get bombs for 1 base.

L + notch+chaff the entire game and either still die or survive with no kills because u cant break the spam for two seconds