still going on about it
Hey pal, just blow in from stupid town? This is your stance currently.
If you’re just trolling say so vro
Do tell me then, why do they model the different weights, before and after propellent burn, if it has no effect on missile dynamics? I’ll wait.
Mig-29G at max fuel turns better than Mig-29SMT at max fuel and loses less speed.
Mig-29G at min fuel turns better than Mig-29G at max fuel and loses less speed.
Especially in the second case everything but weight is identical, yet one turns better and loses less speed. Why is that if weight doesnt affect the ability of a thing to turn?
What are you 12? Go do your homework man.
Wait, you’re onto something with your middle school physics.
You sound clueless dawg.
Finally someone with a decent take around here.
The problem from a good player POV never was dodging the missile, the problem is the number advantage the F14 players puts on the other team. A noob will catch a Phoenix before the merge and die, putting the other team in a disadvantage later on. It doesn’t matter how useless the noob is, the problem is that later on, you might end up in a 3v1 where even one more body to split the attention would have helped a lot.
Also, seriously, even if you remove the Aim54 of the equation, the 14A with only sparrows and flight performance is strong enough to go to 12.7. Just give it some freaking 9L and move it up.
All players need to learn how to defend against long range radar missiles sooner or later.
If new player cant dodge phoenix, what he will do against sparrows, r27ers or amraams?
american mains trying to justify a aim54 at 12.7 is the funniest shit ever
So you cant dodge 17G missile?
They’ll die the same at top tier anyway and get carried by the Aim120.
How do you think we got so many “AIM7M SUCKS” crayon eaters before that patch ? Idiots never learn.
And again, the problem is losing up to a quarter of your team by them. I’d rather have the crayon eaters alive 3 more minutes so I can also reduce the numbers in the enemy team before it’s too late. The F14 puts a team in a numerical advantage, it’s a huge deal regardless of the skill of the pilot.
It’s also VERY telling that a number of below average players somehow manage a 2 K/D on the F-14.
u can but its a bit hard to play the game when there are 20 of them coming for u
I agree. Solution to this isnt removing a fairly easy entry point for BVR combat.
The problem is that, regardless of the 54, the F-14 has no business fighting F-5E, F4E and F104 ASA. Or J35XS with no RWR for that matter.
Well then that sounds like its the usual start of the match scenario, which means they are all coming from basically one direction due to range.
Notching one or 50 doesnt matter if you can notch them all at the same time.
well notching all of them requires u to basically put urself out of the match especially if ur flying something that has missiles with a range of like 5km. ur elitism doesnt make sense because somehow f14 players can have a upwards 2 k/d while being shitty
Without AIM-54s, F-14A is just F-4S/J with radar that has TWS and slightly better flight model.
F-14As radar isnt all aspect PD radar.
They have front aspect radars.