Why are f14 still 12.3?

I thought there were fixing br, its the only plane that can fox 3, fighting f4, f1 and other 11.3.
I would love to see arguments saying its his normal place


All players that dying from phoenix when they have wt rwr are skill issued


LOL another topic over someone who doesnt want to turn in their bomb truck because someone else may get there base.


the title of the thread should just be " i cant be bothered to better my skill and Gaijin needs to make the game easier for me because turning is to hard "

oh really? and what should one do, when you see not an OP for this br missile in 7km from himself? tell me. rwr doesnt ping anything before.

stop flying is a straight line… its not that hard. If your at the BR that an F-14 is at, and your RWR doesnt pick up the ban the the missile uses, look up you see the strings of smoke? aim-54 has been launced and typically from a long distance. You see that you turn left or right for a few seconds, or do a 180, the missile has now lost track of you.


a slight turn ought to do the trick seeing as AIM-54A has 17G of pull - 3 less than AIM-9J or R-13M1(20G), 1 less than AIM-9G/H (18G) while being 4x times heavier.

“Why is F-4C still 10.7? Fighting SARHs in my Mig-21S is unfair! AIM-7Ds are impossible to dodge!”

That’s the type of thoughts I get when I see people still complaining about AIM-54s, which are easier to dodge than AIM-7E-2s.

You have an RWR, you have chaff, use them to defeat missiles.


never worked. as soon i see them, i turn so far as i can. chaffs ofc. didnt work even once.

nope, it didnt. ive been locked, i turned to the side more than 100 degrees. silence on rwr. flown for some time and turned back. several seconds and here they are - cloud of phoenixes. seems like mine was tracking me the whole time and ofc i didnt survive. not OP. where is my moron with a piece of paper in his hand?

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Skill issue


yeah, probably. all the shit like that in this game is “skill issue”. whenever its not - its a historical shit.

Make sure to drop chaff as you notch, and if the missile isn’t decoyed, go fully cold. Additionally, you can try flying to the side for a bit at the start of the match; most F-14As have two braincells and just launch at whatever is infront of them, meaning you’re safe to the side.

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u see, problem is: when i know it didnt work, there is absolutely nothing i can do about it - its already there, 7km away. and thats why i love this missile.

dunno what to tell you mate. First week of this update ive been flying 29G to unlock KWS, second week F-4S to cover the SL i paid for it + expert crew, and ive been flying with KWS ever since.

Ive been killed by AIM-54s exactly twice, both times i was AFK flying while looking at my phone, only to hear something, look at the screen and see the absolute trash bin of a missile 1m away from my plane.


u should get F14
enjoy seal clubbing
and stop complaining
at least that’s what i did
if you havent grind US at all
i recommend A-6E TRAM
because 9L is good for the BR
use 1xGun + 3x9L

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Go cold, chaff, bob and weave. Rinse and repeat.

Well, i last weeks, my favourite aircrafts is TomcatB, and YaK-141.

If ain’t get uptiersd - both of them full of fun.

Tomcat can spam Phoenixes (and, sometimes (after sales mostly) it even getting me free -4/5/6).
Sometimes i go funny, and pinch enemies (base bombers) by Sparrows/Phoenixes with hard lock, from 4-5km altitude (negating multipath).

141, just have very good radar, and 27R/ER, T/ET.
But i use preferably R/ER, and hunt on Tomcats.
Boyos just lock the highest flying target (me), and when time is come, i deflect 3-5 Phoenixes, by notch/getting backwards.

Then, just rearrive, and get short work of those Tomcats/AV-8B, who think that i run out.
And finish anyone else, using altitude and good radar/missiles.
The only one rule - dont get in dogfights.
You - only one on enemies bombing flank.
Noone will save your ass.
And while you will chasing/evading 2/3/4 F-4S/Mirages/Tomcats, some of them will get lucky to MM2/gun you down.


Seal clubbing you say… AV-8B is your highest performance.
F-14A and Mig-23ML are tied.

You aren’t seal clubbing with your F-14A yet you tell others to.

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nothing. i know i can avoid phoenix, but that avoidance costs too much. also i hate it when its just an easy game for one side and jumps through the hoops for the other. that missile shouldnt exist in the game, not on that br level.


I swear theres like 4 topics on the F-14. I would recommend learning how to defeat them instead of posting first.