Why are f14 still 12.3?

You simply arent facing enough F-14s for this to be true. If you notch and chaff and still die to phoenixes its because you did something wrong. There is 0 other reasons you’d die to them other than improper defense.

If you dont understand these concepts you are too stupid to argue about missile dynamics

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you simply are because both teams have at least 6 on them each game

By bombing at all you are feeding into the strength of ANY long range missile because you are making your plane heavier as as such less manueverable, with need to fly somewhat predictable path towards base to bomb. Its even worse that if you dont fly along such predictable oath, other bombers will beat you to it.

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When players like you refuse to actually defend against missiles, nobody cares about the KD going up. Not sure what to tell you. L+Notch&Chaff I guess.

When American mains can’t find any more bullshit to spill to defend the aim54.

Its at most 4 if you’re being uptiered. Also, the fact that its on both teams kinda negates your previous point, doesn’t help your case. L+Ratio+Notch&Chaff, i guess.

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You couldn’t understand how to notch and chaff if I gave you a powerpoint presentation on it.

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nothing burger its at least 6 and ur not rationing anyone considering almost everyone agrees american mains are bullshitting reasons to keep the f14 at 12.3

Ironically, to dodge phoenix you need to take the L…as in turn 90° and notch it lol.


You didnt need to perfect notch even…
Can go to any from 90 to cold

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Because its players like you who get things unnecessary uptiers and nerfs. It’s too hard for you to turn and press a button, but you think the F-14 is the problem. Unreal, bro.

Given the only reason ive seen to raise the F-14 is the AIM-54, I’d say no one has made a valid claim for it going up. Its literally an idiot check missile.


Going cold against phoenix is like taking a shotgun to deal with a mosquito imo.

Not to mention that if it does go up, it’ll be absolutely dogshit and wont be able to compete whatsoever.

Easier than notch.
But ppl cant even that

yeah bro its not like they wont still kill 3/4 of the lobby. ur retarded

Thats entirely on players, not on the 17G missile.


You’re the same guy who can’t defeat them anyway. You commenting on them facing AIM-120s is invalid as hell as is.

yes because planes cant carry 6 aim120s. anyone can defeat them but doing anything for ur team after the match is almost over and they killed most of the lobby is impossible. ur coping

Theres no way you genuinely think a front aspect radar on a 17g missiile that cant be fired below 20km is gonna compete well against AIM-120s and MICAs and such. Clueless behavior.

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