Why are air spawn maps becoming the norm in top tier RB?

I don’t really understand why Gaijin has been pushing the Air spawn maps so much as of late. Top tier is already complete chaos and a total mess, making the games even shorter with air spawns just makes it worse. It genuinely makes no sense to me man

And if you’re already gonna do it, at least change up the maps… i’m tired of having Golan heights and mysterious valley in 70% of my games


Air spawns at top tier suck and its made worse by suffering britain


One probable reason is testing viability so they can spread out airfields in the standard air RB game mode without having to code forced random spawns on the runways. [You can’t choose the runway you spawn on.]

Gripen is pretty good but yeah anything below that is just suffering when it comes to UK

Not so much now. outclassed because theres typhoon and rafale in every game