Why am i in very weak teams everytime?

teams im playing with are soooo weak, they don’t go for cap, they don’t kill anything, they don’t know about angeling, where is this game going?


am i in wt blacklist or what?

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Do you try to take the initiative in this?

Most don’t care for that stuff since it is never taught to them that and angling is far less significant the higher you go up the ladder.

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What Br are you playing?

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The only constant thing about all your teams… is you.

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almost every BR , sometimes unbalanced games in my favor which is even worse cuz its not joyful, I’m playing the game for more than 6years, and it was never like this before, people are not even trying anymore!
as far as I see most players are heading to spawn camp, or any other ways to get free kills, I think grinding is much more important for them rather than enjoying the game…

May I ask you a question that may not seem related; Are you on premium account time or no?

Humor me please.

no im not prem rn, thats a shame for both me and gaijin

Thank you for answering.

anyway this is going to die

all roads leads to rome

Well. You see.

Some of us suck very badly (myself especially); so we need folks who can carry us. What I have noticed is premium time or no premium time half the team is going to be absolute trash, the other half may carry hard. If the absolute trash players have synergy with the carries then you will win.

I think people don’t know how to do voiceless teamwork. You see someone push a tank from one side, hit the tank they are pushing on the other side. But nobody looks at the minimap, thus we folks that need a carry should stop relying on others to hit targets for us.

Also. Don’t get me started on ODL’s (One Death Leavers) they made their way into 8.7 RGB recently and thats a bit painful for everyone.


Tbf i has very unbalanced teams yesterday.

Withi like 5 minutes into the match my team and i were sitting in enemy spawn just farming respawning tanks.

This kept happening.

It was not fun. It was very boring.

I have no idea why it happened so often. It happened with tier 2 russia and tier 4 britain alike.

I feel the same way bro…

Doubt that severely. What does end up happening though is people trying to make statements about what Gaijin design to be an issue so you have to suffer… That is how people justify them ‘not wanting’ to fix it in thier ‘opinions’.

Try the EU server is you are not on it.

“Do not spread conspiracy theories on our forums. This is a bannable offense. I will now lock this thread.”

Think those were the exact words IIRC.

Please use already existing threads to discuss MM.

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