Which line would F18 be in USA tech tree

I have read that many of you has said the F18 will come this year or maybe in the first update of this year in war thunder. But if F18 actually comes this year which line would it be in the USA tech tree?

Finnish line in sweden - the only thing I know and care about


Hi, there’s already an existing thread for this topic


more than likely after f14b

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The F/A-18A,B,D, and F are going to the attacker line 100%. The C is going after the F-14B and the E is going after the F-14D. The growler could go to either or, but personally, it might fare better with the F-15Es.

Don’t see how you think this is 100%, I see a small chance if anything.

nvm I read closer I see what you mean, however I counter with: (they are never going to add that many variants, they never do)

Yeah, the B is almost certainly never coming and even seeing the A or A+ is pretty unlikely now. I think we will either see the F/A-18A+ or F-14D (unfortunately) as a US prem and the TT will start with the C. I don’t think we will see the F either because the Growler exists.

The reason I said 100% though is because the F/A designation isn’t for show. It was built as an attacker replacement from a fighter—basically a naval F-5. Imo, to keep the attacker line relevant until the F-35B, the F/A-18s should go there.

There’s also this topic about it here
As I said there, I think the best is to put the Hornets (A and C) under the attacker line, and the Superhornets (E) under the navy fighter line. I don’t think any of the twin seaters would/should be added as in-game twin seaters are just worse, heavier versions of their single seater counterparts

naval line duh

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