not neccesarly the J8 look similar cause they used the same nose this is the j8s russian counter part
SU15 flagon
heres a j8 for comparisons
this is J8A using mig 21 nose as it was the best at the time
not neccesarly the J8 look similar cause they used the same nose this is the j8s russian counter part
SU15 flagon
heres a j8 for comparisons
this is J8A using mig 21 nose as it was the best at the time
Idk man its feb 17 and we dont have a leak or devblog
I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean really. The updates are never the same dates every year, just the same periods of time.
Looking at last year(s) and getting spooked because the blogs don’t fall on the same days / week is not a meaningful way to measure unfortunately.
Last year both the leak and first dev blog came out on the 22nd. I’d bet we will see these on this coming Friday.
some commucation would be nice like estimated we means they can change dates things fall would be nice for you to put out
@BOMBAY9997042 I think it’s far from being that obvious. Here’s why:
Rly? Thats weird
usually the leak come a few days before the first devblog isnt it?
id rather not grind AV8b +
I’m sure other people had that thought about other vehicles as well
Sorry bro I know the pain of grinding but if we start building the tech tree according to that we might as well put everything in one line
its based on the F-18 Hornet a fighter wasn’t originally a f/a
We don’t announce “estimated” dates for updates. As mentioned above, they always fall within the same general months / quarters of the year. However never on the same dates outside of simple coincidence (which happens when the game is entering its 13th year).
The update is on scheduled and news is not too far away at all.
No, usually it’s the same day as the first devblog, or maybe a day before
Doesn’t matter when it has been in the past, it still may be different in the future.
well originally there was a F-18 variant and a A-18 variants which were merged during development. The hornet was dual from the beginning of its service.
to be fair though doesnt that mean f14B should go after av8B because it was a multirole optimization
It’s primary role was always fleet air defence.
Multirole capabilities were added to make it more versatile
The F-14 has only ever been in service with the navy
still multi role though