Where’s my 30k RP Gaijin?

So, last night I finished an EC and had something over 40k RP after 1 hr 43 min in the F-4C. I was researching ‘G-suit’ which was completed, unlocking the Tier IV modules, so I got ‘Aim-7’ ‘Engine’ and threw the leftovers towards a Tier I mod. Before shutting down I updated all my weapon presets to include the Aim-7D and flew a quick test flight.

Today, when I logged in, I was presented with the same research picture, just as if the game had ended after I shut down; however, after ‘G-suit’ complete there was only some 8k RP leftover and Aim-7, Engine were showing as unresearched - and 8k isn’t enough for either of them.

Relogging didn’t reveal the missing RP. Went into a game to try to research the missing modules all over again, but found no presets were available, so immediately left to see where they’d gone. Turns out they were still there, but we’re unavailable as I “hadn’t” researched Aim-7 and all presets included Aim-7s… which kind of proves I had researched Aim-7, because I couldn’t have created those presets in the first place if I hadn’t.

I had a good look at the results last night, because I’d put a 10 x 20% RP booster on just before that last EC session, yet when I came out 1hr43 later it was still showing as ‘10’ battles remaining. However, when I checked the results it appeared all 7 UA cycles had 20% applied to the RP. Today the results for that battle only showed a couple UA cycles, leaving about 30k lost in the ether somewhere. I’ve no doubt a corresponding number of SL were stolen too.


Happened to me a lot. I stopped counting.
They claimed they fixed it =)

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lmao, happened to me last night on one of my better games. I think it was just a server issue for yesterday, saw some other people talking about it ongame and a few bug reports filed

That’s bad. This is the first time in 10 years that I’ve seen it (well, noticed it anyway).

I know there was a similar issue (recently fixed, allegedly) where if you went into a new game before the original finished, and if you completed researching a module in the second game before the first finished, then the RP from that first game would ultimately be lost.

Other glitches with RP not showing up after an EC always seemed to be resolved by the next login, so I was generally confident that Gaijin could at least get their most basic and important task done, ie, give the player the reward they’ve earned. In a grind-based game that’s pretty much Rule 1.

Who knows, maybe they’ll find the stolen rewards? Can hope.

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