Where is Indian Rafale?

That’s not how sub work m8, if a x sub is announced in Y tree then all tech from X sub will be housed in Y tree.


If that, then the Indian Rafale should not come.

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Jaguar IS had cases to go to France, Came to UK
Bhishma had every reason to go to Russia, but came to UK
there are 2 Tech tree Vehicles

Canada was split from the beginning, going to where its vehicles fitted most / had the most demand, same with Australia

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It’s up to gaijin if it comes or not, if it’s squadron, premium or event it’s up to you if you want to play it.

cough cough

Being a sub-tree means all your tech will go to the same place. Well, how sub-trees are in their current form is not the greatest it’s better than the current fate for many nations and is why Canadians and Australians are fighting to have at least a home in the UK tree.

Not here and should never be here

Regardless, don’t think it should come at all.

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Well that’s your opinion, but as I said if it does come it will go to Britain and other Indian serviced vehicles and that my man is a fact.

: )


I mean here is a workaround:

As instead of the UK tree getting it itself, it would be in an Indian tree that just so happens to be able to be used by the UK.


Yes let’s make grinding France even more worthless
-Gaijin probably


And thus the Austrian Eurofighter should join the SK in the French Tree


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Even though that would be funny as hell, sadly Austria isn’t a french sub lol


Canada isn’t a British sub either. We can make it work.

True but Canada and australia do have their own separate rules. But like the F-111C US or any other tech could still end up in Britain

Second? What would be the first one, if I may ask? o.O

Properly the Rafale lol

Why? You want to spam the Rafale everywhere like the Gripen? Britain has other options. I’m starting to find it ridiculous that the Commonwealth excuse is being used to add anything to GB…


In any event I really had to reach to find a nation that bought the Eurofighter that wasn’t a former British colony or put money into its development. Since, y’know, its procurement page reads like an ad for GD and Lockheed.
Really don’t want either of those planes to end up in each others trees as long as Gaijin is going to keep pretending that national trees are a thing. Neither of them would ever need the other plane anyway.

Ideal British lineup: Canadian Leopard 2s, Australian Abrams, Indian Rafale, Su-30, T-90M, 2S6, Singaporean F-15, SA Gripen, and why not both Canadian and Australian F-18s, I see no problem with this whatsoever!