Where is Indian Rafale?

I agree as they don’t need each others jets it’s unnecessary

Absolutely! Finally my dream of a full Russian lineup without having to leave the US tree can be complete.
T-90, T-80, Pantsir, Su-27, MiG-29, BMPs of all flavors, BTRs of all flavors (saw one irl a few months ago on a highway near a US military base), Strelas and Tunguskas

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Oh and I can finally experience western MBTs without having to even grind the tech tree! Truly the best gameplay loop.

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If it does come it will be an event vehicle just like the Jaguar IS was.

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Uhhh- the CF-188 is a F/A-18A not C, Many of the domestic upgrades make it a C equivalent and beyond.

As for claiming it, it’s more like Canadian’s are really wanting it in the UK tree.

Should come later as a event vehicle.

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Logically the Indian Rafale should go to France regardless, just like the IRIAF going to the US and not Russia.


India is an official British Sub-Tree

Iran is noones Subtree, its a one off, like Brazil and North Korea

With how official subtrees work it comes to Britain or none, not my rules


India is not an official “sub-tree” they just have a few premium vehicles (3-4) in the British subtree. India situation could become similar to Canada, which is in the American, British, and German trees. No need for the Rafale to be added into Britain, so put the Rafale into France, and keep other somewhat original Indian vehicles in Britain.

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My bad, I did not do much research on it just used it to make a point. About them canadians wanting it in the UK tech tree I have nothing to say, it’d be a cool addition to see in the game regardless of the tech tree that gets it but I still hold my point in them not needing it. Maybe as we get further in time as to give them a little more variety but not straight when it comes.

Do I make myself understandable? I don’t know if yall get my point my english may be a bit sketchy

M8 it is, like where else are Indian stuff ?

It is not nearly as large as South Africa, but sure

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It’s still a sub

Yes, i know, but there is absolutely no reason for the Rafale to go to Britain. Just put it into France if it ever comes.

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That’s not how sub work m8, if a x sub is announced in Y tree then all tech from X sub will be housed in Y tree.


If that, then the Indian Rafale should not come.

Jaguar IS had cases to go to France, Came to UK
Bhishma had every reason to go to Russia, but came to UK
there are 2 Tech tree Vehicles

Canada was split from the beginning, going to where its vehicles fitted most / had the most demand, same with Australia

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It’s up to gaijin if it comes or not, if it’s squadron, premium or event it’s up to you if you want to play it.

cough cough