Where are all the other gen 4.5 aircraft?

i belive i read somewhere that the AIM9X has arround 16km range compared to arround 17.7 km of the Aim 9M and 9L

more so that it will have terrible energy retention since it uses TVC, plus the fact that it still uses the sidewinder chassis which lags behind ASRAAM, PL-10, Python 5 or IRIS-T in aerodynamics and control surfaces

god i would love me some IRIST for the eurfighter and some mica ir for the rafale XD


I’m pretty sure aim9x is rated for 15km buts that’s from ground launch so it’s probably like 20-25k from air launch platform. Also saw some figures of 9x being able to go up to 35k because it supposedly it lofts (idk how true that is though).

The euro fighters being so low and so good will ruin the experience of anything that isn’t in a 13.7. Unbalanced stuff is not good.

Even Germany is screwed over because they have to face them, so good playing your Mig-29/F-4F now.


They will raise the BR ceiling, they have to and did when AMRAAMs first came to the game, 14.0 or 14.3 should house the new 4.5s and F-15E/C/J

Still will be a solid jet. If rafale gets AESA I’d say the block 60 belongs at the same BR unless it gets 120C in which case it should be higher

USAF doesn’t even use F-16s of Blk 60 standard, they are still modifying Blk 50/52 up to Blk 70, the 60 was an export designation no?

Yeah, but was made by Lockheed, and who else would it really go to? Too early for the PoBIT block 50’s, but the block 60 would be perfect next update

No one, it’s like adding Saudi Typhoons with AESA, middle eastern nations shouldn’t really be represented outside of their ground forces imho because in a lot of cases they just mash together the best possible procurement choices and granting anyone with access to a UAE, Saudi or Qatari subtree instant access to amazing european and US airframes. At least with ASEAN nations they typically choose between eastern and western aircraft and go from there

But f-16e would be perfect F-16 for US tree 1st update of 2025 now that AESA on fighter is a thing. Wouldn’t be as potent as a USAF AESA F-15, and the upgraded BLK 50 is too advanced for game right now

It presents a good in between that wouldn’t really push the meta

Still no, Personally I think AESA should go to those without AMRAAMs first, like china/france/russia since it makes up for the shortcomings of their fox 3s and means we don’t have another ER situation where Russia gets a missile with a sustainer while everyone else is stuck with plain AMRAAMs but with AESA to guide it, an AESA equipped F-16 is likely going to be a domestic US model which had an MLU package applied but can still justify the use of AIM-120Bs and AIM-9Ms

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We have AESA F-16 MLUs?

Also France has the best closer range fox 3, and pl12 is only slightly worse than amraam iirc

AESA should come to as many countries as possible without pushing the advancement level too much. Nothing past like 2009 or 2010 bc that’s just too new of a radar for the game even in 2025

not an F-16A MLU, i mean an F-16C with a mid life upgrade package that brings it closer to block 70, which I am sure has occurred irl

Oh yeah, that’s what I was referring to when I said PoBIT (Post Block Integration Team I think)

It actually got upgraded past block 70 standard, much better EW suite

do you realise how modern AESA is, most AESA radars have only come around in the last decade, and been implemented even sooner

MICA has abysmal range and needs a good radar to allow it to bypass multipathing, increasing effectiveness

PL-12 is much more draggy than AMRAAM and has about 20-30km less effective range

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Been around since 50s or 60s, tested on aircraft in early 90’s by USA, not nearly as new as you think. USAF F-15C and Japanese F-2 were both operationally flying with AESA in 2000

in modern fighter aircraft, use your common sense