Where are all the other gen 4.5 aircraft?

Dear developers,
I would like to ask you this question, you added new gen 4.5 aircraft such as Eurofighter Typhoon ans Rafale for Germany, Britain, Italy and France, so tell us please where are the other gen 4.5 aircraft for other nations?
How should we as a players of said nations go around with subpar aircrafts?
There are 6 more nations in game(USA, USSR, Japan, China, Sweden and Israel) and only 2 of them can prob. compete with aforementioned aircrafts(USA F-15E and Israeli F-15I)
Where are other analogs for all the other nations? Cuz they do exist irl.


Let’s not forget that the F-15E and the Eurofighter are at 13.7 when, in reality, they are 14.7 or 15.0. They literally want to make people who play at 12.7, 13.0, and 13.3 pay to stress less. What’s funniest is that they will still keep getting uptiers in their premiums from 12.0 and 12.3, like the F-4s and 21Bison xD. Air matchmaking is dead. Before anyone wants to say that I don’t have experience or that I’m wrong, just look at my experience with these types of planes


The F4F ICE 3+ flew for half a year against the 4th generation. At the same time, it was worse in all 4. Was there an analogue?


It came in 13.3, it’s 13.0 today, and it has always been the most capable 13.3~13.0 against 13.7… bcs well… 120s


Especially the Eurofighter should be higher than anything else unless currently. It puts the F-15E to shame in acceleration, not to mention dogfight performance which is arcade like.

One of the things I was looking forward for this update was to decompress top tier. There is still hope


Japan, USA, and Israel.
Sweden is the only one without a gen 4.5.

lol You’re over-estimating their abilities.


my favorite air youtuber :)

JP - JAS 39 Gripen E

USA - F-15C MSIP II convert AN/APG-63(V)1 to AN/APG-63(V)2 AESA. F-15E RMP (AN/APG-82(V)1 AESA), F-16C PoBiT

Israel - F-15IA

I might think some day gajin could add JAS39E Early

Gripen C (SE) close to 4.5 generation fighter aircraft if gajin convert PS-05/A to PS-05/A Mk4 radar, battle rating up to 14.3 and IRIS-T (RB 98) to replace RB 74(M)

Gajin might decompress battle rating to 14.7 in Q3 2025 or january 2027, my guess

1- noone said that it was okay
2- it doesn’t justify current predicament of EFT/Rafale VS Grippen-C/j-11a/su-27sm
3- if you look at it from sim perspective it goes from hell to worse…cuz red vs blue teams

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The F-16C could be considered a 4.5 gen no?

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Amen to those sentiments, and thanks for all the great content!

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Typhoon cant DL 8 ARHM based on the dev and it can only carry 6. (Currently)
US will still have F-15E with 8 Aim120s and equal/slightly inferior performance to the Typhoon.

Will it be good of course, will it be broken? I dont think so

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Bvr the F-15 will prolly still be better

Well, Germany didn’t have 13.7 for half a year, but absolutely everyone had 13.7 at least 1 plane, and some had 2-3 13.7




Inboard pylon never was spotted with MRAAM on actual aircraft

A Eurofighter, armed only with its cannon, in the current state of the game, can bring an F-16 Block 50 armed with six AMRAAMs to its knees, relying solely on countermeasures and effective defensive maneuvers. 👍


It would run out of countermeasures.

I can defeat 10 missiles with 40 medium countermeasures, imagine with 200